
How to prepare for SAT test?

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I'm going to be sophomore in high school and my dream is to go to Stanford. I know that you need you great test scores to even have a shot at getting in, so what can I do now to begin getting ready now?




  1. Good for you!  Stanford is a great school!  :D

    Given that you are a Sophomore, I think the best thing you can do right now is to take challenging courses at school.  Believe it or not, thinking about hard things that are not SAT problems helps you learn how to focus and think.  Also, READ!  There is plenty of great literature out there (modern not just classic), and start looking at some more serious publications like NY Times & being able to understand what it is you just read (what is the main point, what is the author's view, what arugments does he make).

    When you get closer to test time (4 months away), then I think you can start focusing on the actual SAT problems.  Some general tips for when that time comes:

    - Practice. A lot. Everyday, do a section from each subject (untimed at first and then timed). Take a practice exam every couple weeks. Ideally you do 5 or 6 of these before test time. Practice like its the real thing!  A good book is The Official SAT Study Guide by the College Board.

    - Know your limits. Don't answer every question if it's out of your ability. You don't want to be rushing through problems and doing things partially. Figure out where you currently stand by taking a practice exam, set your goal, and then do enough problems to get you to that goal. Every time you take a practice exam, aim a little bit higher. This isn't an excuse to not push yourself. But you will be better off this way.

    - Review what you got right and wrong and make sure you understand why. Understand how to solve the problems you had to leave blank.  This will help you pinpoint the areas you need to improve on.

    - If you can't get the answer, guess if and only if you can eliminate at least one bad answer choice.

    - Don't cram! Get your rest. You'll need your energy and focus on test day.

    p.s. - If you want more specific help, please free to take a look at my SAT tutorials on Youtube. Just search for 'miteach'.  Also, I will keep people up to date on my activity at the site at

    Good luck!


  2. Buy the SAT Review book.

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