
How to prevent Lactic fermentation?

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It was told to me that the burning sensation I receive in my legs from walking is caused by Lactic fermentation So how can I prevent it? or what can I eat/drink to prevent it




  1. Very simple solution:  slow down and breathe!  When your rate of ATP (the basic form of energy used by our cells) usage exceeds the rate of ATP production, your body switches to an anaerobic form of energy.  ATP production requires oxygen.  Here's the chemistry 101 of what's happening:  During a process called glycolysis, a glucose molecule (6 carbons) splits in half, making two 3-carbon molecules (called pyruvates). If the oxygen is present, a chemical reaction takes place (Kreb's cycle).  If no oxygen is present, those pyruvate molecules reduce to lactic acid (that's what ferments and causes the burn in your muscles).  Breathing allows more oxygen into the bloodstream, and oxygen is critical to the final phase of ATP production (we can save the citric acid cycle for Chem 2)...but ATP is the energy to sustain your muscles during exertion, and they can only be produced in the presence of oxygen.  You also asked what you could eat/drink to prevent it.  Before exercising, make sure that you have an adequate caloric intake before you expend the energy (glucose is the first step to ATP production).  I hope I helped explain what's going on in your body.  Eat, hydrate, sleep and breathe and your body will thank you by operating like a well oiled machine!  

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