
How to prevent hangovers?

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If im having a night out what certain things can i do throughout the night or what drinks should i have to prevent hangovers. Drinking quite alot is imminent but is there things i can do to prevent having a hangover or atleast a more milder hangover?




  1. Hi!

    as per my researches

    1- you should avoid Carbonated waters with drinks

    2- you should eat starchy foods with drinks e.g. you should have Potato chips, French fries etc

    3- take ginger tea or ginger capsules before going to bed

    4- Banana shake with honey is also helpful in absorbing a quantity of Alcohol from your body.

    5- drink as much water as you can

    6- always take some food stuff while drinking do not take only alcohol.

    7- Lemon is the best thing that is used to remove Hangovers drink lemon water is the best.

    you can also take limited quantity of lemon juices with your drinks.

    8- avoid taking too much enhancers to alcohol that are cigarettes, paracetamol salt medicines(should not take before or after 4 hours of drinking)

    Enjoy drinking

    have a Happy drink.

  2. Eat tons of carbs and drink lots of water


    mainly colors

  3. the very first thing is that you you should not mix two drinks and should drink in limits............ if you cross your limits not a problem... before going to bed have some water or limca.... or in the morning have lot of curd or yogurt in your breakfast it will recover your weakness and hangover...... my way might sound bit weird but it works for me........ all the best enjoy your drinks......

  4. Don't mix drinks

    For every drink you have have a glass of water

    Drink water before bed

    Take aspirin before bed

  5. there is no real way to prevent a hangover, but here are some tips to help:

    *don't eat too much(you'll be barfing and feel super sick)

    *or too little (you'll get queasy and wasted too easily)

    *drink water in between drinks, not being dehydrated will help with a headache

    *take Advil before you pass out and when you wake up

    *wake up and eat breakfast in the morning

    those things always help me...

    and don't get wasted too fast you'll really miss out on a lot, keep a steady drunkenness ;)

  6. try drinking

    if you must have alcohol then snack on something salty like salt prunes and drink club soda..

  7. eat a light dinner.grilled chicken or fish. cheese and ham sandwich,very little not have a big greasy me on this!mixing grease and alhohol is not good.

    have a glass of water after  a cocktail.wait 1 hour between cocktails.drink a "reputable brand" do not mix say wine and not have sweet drinks, you tend to drink more...

    befor going to bed drink as much water as you can.DO NOT have really damages the liver mixing alcohol and aspirin-i read this at the pharmacy´s counter while waiting for a prescription to be filled.

  8. Easy! Don't drink alcohol.

  9. the best thing to do is to drink water...

    hangovers are a result of dehydration...

  10. As a non-drinker, you might figure I have a lot of nerve even answering this, but I'm drawn to it because I used to bartend and have heard a few tips from customers who swore by them.

    One is to split up your drinking night with at least a snack of some sort of flour; if you must, bring along a ziploc of wheat thins of similar crackers. Otherwise you could order a bar-snack with some sort of bread.

    Another tip many swore by is to try to steer clear of drinks containing soda (i.e. 7&7, rum and coke, etc) and try learning to like something with a juice base.

    Lastly, and this might not apply to you at all ... but I understand if vodka gives you a headache (which it often can) try the same drink but with gin instead.

    I base all this on nothing more than word of mouth.

    Good luck.

  11. Drink a bunch of water or Gatorade before you go to bed.  People will say to drink water while you're out drinking alcohol, but f%#k that!  That's just a way to keep you from getting hammered!  There is also this stuff sold at the store called "Alka Seltzer: Morning Relief".  It specifically says on the package "for relief of hangovers".  It is orange flavored and has like 500mg of caffeine in it.  I'm telling you, chug down a glass of that when you wake up and about 90 seconds later you are WIDE awake and don't have a headache anymore.  DON'T TAKE TYLENOL before bed...Tylenol thins your blood, so does alcohol.  That can lead to a heart attack.

  12. Drink Myers Rum

  13. Meh, don't think about how to minimise the hangover. That takes the fun out of a night of drinking. Worry about the hangover in the morning :) You never know, you might not even get a bad one or one at all.

  14. I HAVE SO DONE THIS BEFORE! Either mix your drinks with the energy drink RockStar, or drink it afterwards and before. RockStar is full of vitamin B, which helps with keeping your mind's brain cells healthy, which is what you are not doing when you get stinking drunk!

  15. Drink water... have a water in between alcoholic drinks, and a large glass of water before you pass out in your bed.

    Hangovers are generally from dehydration.

    Don't drink rediculous amounts though, look up water intoxication.

  16. urmm, not really hun, coz if there was a sure cure wed all know about it!! lol. the things i do basically are, eat before i go out, eat bread and eat milk. things like this absorb the alcohol etc, i also eat lots of bread and milk the next day too.

    there a re these drinks out too that are supposed to help, look it up on google.

    also, flat coca cola helps a hangover as its so bad for you with all the acid and stuff that its good! and lucozades always a winner for me.

    good luck with ur many hangovers to come! hehe ;P


  17. Yes--eat dense foods before and during drinking. High fat, high protein snacks are always a good idea.

    Start drinking half strength drinks as soon as you get a buzz, and switch to non-alcoholic drinks late in the evening to keep your hydration up.

  18. 1) Don't drink alcohol

    2) See rule #1

  19. I highly suggest taking a look at this article by liquor live:

    I found it very helpful and it is geared towards prevention, rather than discussing some bogus way to get rid of your hangover.

  20. Hang overs are a result of dehydration and a sugar crash.

    Firstly have something like pasta before you go out to soak up the alchohol.  Then alternate alchoholic drinks with soft drinks to keep your hydration levels up.  Over the night you will get just as drunk but it will be cheaper and you won't feel too rotton in the morning.  Try to avoid really sugary drinks.  Before you go to sleep have a big glass of water and keep a glass of water by your bed for if you wake up during the night.

    The following morning have some more water and some orange juice and something sugary like bacon and ketchup sandwich.

    You cna buy milk thistle tablets which are meant to help but I've never tried them although I know they turn your wee bright yellow.

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