
How to prevent sickness in rides?

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hi im goin thorpe park 2morow and i want to known how to prevent myself from being sick from any type of ride including roller coasters etc..........




  1. Dont ride on them=D

  2. start taking some Bonine TODAY, and get it in your system. It helps alot.

  3. I think you're just scared. I was too until about a month ago when i went to Six Flags i didn't eat all day for fear of throwing up. It's a hate or love thing. Chances are you'll end up loving them.

  4. If you get motion sick maybe you shouldn't be going on crazy rides like that, most intense rides say that if you're prone to motion sickness you should sit certain ones out. However, for long car rides I take dramamine which helps a lot with the motion sickness but it also makes you very tired for up to four hours so I wouldn't suggest taking it if you plan on walking through a theme park. Just take things easy and don't push yourself to go on something you know will make you sick. Good luck.

  5. im going on friday, hope the weather stays nice. My advice, if you get sick easily, dont go on the rides!!!!

  6. stemetil.....i use it for travel sickness and its also used to prevent vertigo nausea etc, its very good

  7. I'm going to Alton towers on Thursday and I also puke on rides. I don't think there's any cure to be honest. ou're just gonna have to bite the bullet and puke all over your mates lol...just like I do

  8. I think taking a benydril (spelling) will help but it might make you sleepy. zzzzzzzzzzz

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