
How to rekindle the love...

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How do you rekindle the love after 5 years?

My boyfriend and I are to the point where its like..."what comes next?" and financially i know we are not ready. I think he is getting scared and I don't want to loose him because he thinks it is now or never.




  1. First, make sure you are happy in this relationship, cause that is what is most important right now.

    Then, what I think you should do is spend lots of time together.  Remember why and how you fell in love and what you find in each other.  Talk to each other about your hopes for the future.  What you always have wanted and if that agrees with the other persons ideas.  

    Make sure you aren't forcing yourself into marriage just to stay together, for a stronger commitment level.  Make sure you are unconditionally in love before you give yourself to him for life.

  2. u directly tal to him calmly on the matter and get ur relationship go as it is.

    if he really loves u he will understand u and u will be the best couple.

  3. have a baby(if ur old enough) get married, go out party, do somethang different!!! go on a cruise...or juss talk 2 him about it if ur meant 2 be 2 gether, than u guys will stay 2 gether n wont get bored and even have tha best time juss spending time w/ each other doing nothing...

  4. with little bits of wood

  5. Good question!

    Revisit the good times you guys spent together... movies, songs, and anything that I consider to be anchors of your love together...

    Things that you guys do together...

    I wonder why he thinks it is now or never.... If he seems scared, find out why?  Fear and love cannot exist together.... but LOVE will overcome all fears...

    All the best to you both!

  6. Congratulations at staying in the "boyfriend, girlfriend" stage.  Five years is a lengthy time with no overdrawn marital commitment, for that I give you props.  Don't worry about trying to "rekindle" your relationship, if both of you KNOW you are going to be together, then why should you try and make it better?  If you know you two will one day tie the knot then leave it at that, and wait for the day to come when you are both stable enough to do so.  But don't try cheesy things to make it better, because sometimes it can make it worse, emotionally.  Tomorrow is what comes next, and you need to live it day by day knowing your significant other will always be there, even if there's no ring.

  7. Why don't u try doing the things that u 2 used to enjoy doing together in the past? Its easy to take each other for granted after a long period of time together.

    Think of why u love him in the first place and i'm sure you will know how to salvage the situation.

  8. I haven't been in a relationship for that long yet, but I would suggest taking a mini-vacation that isn't too hard on your budget.  Do something that you haven't done together in a long time - relive your first date if it was a good experience, or relive any date you had a good time on...or GO ON A DATE that you haven't thought of before.  I might also throw in doing the deed somewhere public so you can brag about it to each other (if you're into that of course, but trust me it always relights the flame!).  You sound like you care about your relationship so it must be someting worth your time and effort to re-ignite.  Good luck!

  9. Go on a vacation?

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