
How to say goodbye :'(?

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I met this really nice boy while he was on a foreign exchange trip from France and he had met my family's french student on the plane so i hung out with him while i hung out with her(my student). They're all going back to France tomorrow and I just don't know how to say goodbye. I just wish I could've spent more time with Antoine(the boy I met) before he has to leave to another country and I know I'll most likely never "hang out" with him or even ever see him again. I'm planning on writing him a note today to give to him tomorrow. What should I say in it. God I want to give him at least a hug at the airport, but I'm afraid that might be awkward. I have a feeling I'm going to cry at the airport because I'm already crying now. He doesn't have a myspace or facebook, but I'm pretty sure he has an email address. Everytime I hear a slower song(doesn't even have to be about love) I start to cry. I feel like I'm just stuck in the same place not going anywhere. serious answers only please.




  1. Talk to him before he leaves try to get his phone number or email adress and just keep in touch that way

  2. Maybe you can help him set up a social networking site like MySpace or Facebook so that you two can remain in touch easier.  Go ahead and give him and hug at the airport.  He is your friend, right?  There's nothing wrong with a hug.  And write that note too.  Tell him what you're telling us.  Tell him that you have grown very fond of him and hope to continue your friendship even while he is away!  That's a start!

  3. Aw, thats a touching situation. I don't think that a hug would be akward, and neither would crying.(Well,  maybe a little) But you should definatly get his email and tell him to download yahoo messanger! That way you can call his computer completly free of charge! Tell him what a great time you had! =) Hope I helped a bit!

  4. Get your thoughts cleared and organized, do something to chillax, then find out his email adress, advise him to make a screenname or myspace or whatnot then at the airport hug him!!! In the note i guess say: "This is what I wrote thinking about our friendship" then write a poem! Sounds cheesy i know but the cheesy stuff makes you feel are warm and fuzzy inside :] And also remember there are many fish in the sea, he isnt the only nice guy out there you'll fall for so keep your mind open. Good Luck

  5. Hey I really know how you feel... I had my boyfriend who I was inlove with then I had to move so we broke it off and we both r still madly inlove with eachohter but it wouldnt last cas im so far away.

    Just remember. Everyhting happens for a reason!

  6. What will you do ,go with him? Face reality tell him how wonderful it has being hanging out with him and say goodbye

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