
How to socialize a new cockatiel?

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We just got a new cockatiel three or four days ago. He is six months old.

He whistles all the time and whenever we go to pet him/get him out of the cage he runs away/bites the person. We can't even get him out of the cage.

How can we get him out to play?




  1. Well, First of all he is most likely still a little scared. With my cockatiel was new I just let him walk around so he could check the place out, so he was sure he was safe. I did this because the little guy most likely thinks his cage is the only safe stop and it's his, and anyone who tries to touch it is going to get bit. After a while I would pick him up and just let him sit on my finger maybe give him treats out of my hand. After a while he became attached to me. Another hit is to hid his cage, because if he sees his cage the only thing he might be focused on is getting back there. For more info. visit his site. Good Luck!

  2. ask your vet man

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