
How to start High School?

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I am in 9th grade at my high school! Ekk so nervous! We are combined with another school, and the high school is so big! What's some good tips of how NOT to be a complete idiot?




  1. high schools not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. just be yourself. dont try to be somthing your not. :]

  2. I hate freshmen at my school right now. Upperclassmen=better than you. A freshmen the other day told me I was a freshmen at one time too when I told him to not stand in the middle of the hallway. Wrong. We were freshmen at one time but don't tell us that. We know.. we went through EVERYTHING you're going through so get over it. That pisses me off the most. Just don't tell upperclassmen that they were freshmen once before.

  3. DONT mess with the seniors.

    stay as close as you can to your friends.

    explore different groups and cliques.

    ALWAYS stand up for yourself no matter what.  

  4. Well one thing is don't act like all the other 9th graders. Meaning don't run around at lunch while screaming. Just get through your classes, try not to drop stuff all the time, make friends with upperclassmen and you should be fine. My freshman year went by SUPER fast. :)

  5. make sure you talk loud, relax, look cool, act yourself and make cool good new friends and you'll be fine.

  6. I'm going through the same thing. I'm just going to not call the shots, go slow with the ladies, and try to be the guy that no one hates. Generally, don't try to make yourself incredibly popular.

  7. one tip is that the girls hold their books infront of them and the guys hold their books on the side of them or else the look g*y. move fast, find new roughts to class. make a plan to bring to subjects to one class so you don't have to go back to your locker. also, find a lunch table fast and defend it with your life or you will end up eating on the floor for the rest of the year. lol. ONE more thing. have fun, even though i found high school to be the worst years of my life. lol GOOD LUCK

  8. me too!!! but i don't enter until yeah...i'm nervous too but i now that we just have to act like we do every other yeah...oh and just have a good time,try to get good grades, and enjoy your time cause when you walk the stage afer twelfth grade you have to not regret anything you did in high school. oh and good luck. =] try to make as many friends as you can cause your gonna need them.=]

  9. everybody always makes such a big deal out of high school and i have no clue why. if you allow yourself to get nervous you will be nervous the first day no matter what. i suggest going to your school a few days before schools starts and find all your classes. find your locker and practice the combination a few times. make sure that your books are clearly labeled. nothing worse then getting all the way to class and discovering you have the wrong book. i suggest using freezer paper (the stuff that butchers wrap meat with) its white, its bright and you can wrap books with it. write the name of the class on the spine of the book. the paper also has a plastic coating that protects the cover of the book from getting wet, trust me i spilled a 20 ounce bottle of Pepsi on one of my books last semester and it had no stains and didnt even get wet. make sure your notebooks and folders are clearly labeled. as for notebooks thats a matter of preference. if you are forgetful i suggest a single subject notebook for each class. its better to forget one notebook with one assignment, than to forget your 5 subject notebook with all your assignments. if you have an older brother or sister in school maybe ask them for a little advice to help with the jitters. everyone gets nervous, its natural. i wish you the best of luck in high school. i personally love school, i love my classes, and i love my friends. you will make friends fast and you have nothing to worry about.

  10. Call the school and ask for a tour so that you don't get lost. Or if you know an older student,you can ask them where your classes are. It's always fun to try out for sports, and it's a great way to make friends before school starts. Be nice to everybody and try to make friends in every class, especially in homeroom so that way you'll have fellow freshman to talk to at lunch. If you've never had a locker before, try practicing opening a lock, because you'll look dumb for not knowing how to open your locker.  Try not to be late for classes and just try to make a few friends you can sit with at lunch and talk to.  

  11. i know. i'm a rising ninth grader and i'm really nervous too. But if you join clubs and sports you can meet some people before school starts. Then you'll at least have some friends. What some people have told me is don't try to act too cool. Just be yourself. That sounds so cliche but it's what you have to do. Look friendly and approachable. hopes this helps

  12. Use your spare time at school (mornings, after school maybe) to walk through your classes. Go from fist period to second, etc., and find the best way to get to each, plus an alternate route if possible. I felt like such a dork when I'd get lost that first week. Also, make sure you are organized enough to bring the right things to each class. I did that by color coding my classes - a purple folder and book cover for English, red for math, etc. It's funny that it's been almost ten years and I still remember those colors.

  13. just act cool and don't talk to some one you don't know.☻☻☻☻  

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