
How to stop being a vegetarian? :)?

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i've been one my whole life because that's how my mom wanted to raise me. my dad eats meat but he let my mom make the decision to raise me a vegetarian. i'm 14 & i've never had meat, fish etc except for chicken noodle soup which i only just started eating recently.

i want to stop being a vegetarian & be able to eat the normal foods that all my friends eat, but whenever i'm about to try one of their meals or something, i get grossed out & i can't do it.

any tips? i would really appreciate your help :)





  1. Honestly I don't know what to tell you. I hope someone else will be able to help you, having gone through your situation, but most people on here are in the opposite situation.

    I can see how you'd want to try eating meat, having been a vegetarian all your life, and never having experienced tasting the flesh of another creature. I think that's a purity that should be cherished, but I understand how you want to try what your friends so enjoy.

    If you are truly set on this path, I would recommend starting in very small steps, making sure you keep your stomach in balance, and slowly integrating it more and more into your diet.

  2. Honestly, if you are serious then it may be  a good idea to start with jello and things of that nature that aren't just a hunk of meat... like with your chicken noodle soup. Other ideas would be french onion soup that has a beef broth base etc. It will allow your mind to adjust to the idea of eating animals without the sickness of jumping in to a hunk of beef.... I fear that would most certainly make you ill the first couple of times... but I'm not sure.

    Good luck in you decision... and if you find it a mistake then the bright side is you know very well how to eat vegetarian.

  3. Being a vegetarian is great! But if you want to stop, that is your personal choice, and I have NO right to change it. But remember, the "normal" food your friends eat, is health threating and also slaughtered. Plus, you are are normal if you don't eat meat. You think, feel, and breath just like the next person, am I right? Don't let people's immature criticism get you down; please ^.^. Your mother is doing such a great thing for you, but the media WILL try to tell you other wise.This is just my view on the situation, though. Talk to your mother about it. Listen to what she has to say. Good luck, friend!

  4. you can start by eating veggiemeat, then slowly shift to real meat. there is nothing wrong not being a vegetarian as long as you know what you are eating and you are eating properly.

  5. Wanting to stop being a vegetarian just to be like your friends is madness, be a leader not a follower.  You're getting grossed out because it IS gross....I used to find little tubes in meat....just thinking about it is making me feel sick.

  6. Do it bit by bit.  Don't feel you have to devour a massive piece of steak!  Why don't you try some Japanese foods to get you going, they're obsessed with food in miniture size, like sushi and tempura for example.  Have something with only a bit of meat to get yourself accustomed to it and gradually work your way up.

  7. I would start very slow...chix noodle soup is a good start yummy.

    Start with chicken I would think. Chicken you can do a million things to if you wanna cover up the plain chickeness to it....(that didn't make sense lol)

    Try making chicken cutlets they are delish...just get a little egg and flour and breadcrumbs and fry the piece of ends up so moist...good luck

    Ugh Charlie F...give it up!!! You are a vegetarian and want to stay that way so you do what you want...if this girl wants to switch over, leave her alone and let her do what she wants....don't put her on a guilt trip, its disgusting.

  8. The way you're doing it sounds like the right way to convert - chicken noodle soup made with chicken stock.  Have bovril, meat stock as hot drinks or use for soups.  Stew with lots of veg and a little bit of meat to start with.  Pizza - mainly vegetarian with a little bit of meat.  Salads with new potatoes & a little bit of tuna etc;

  9. chicken is lovely, try it on a piece or in a curry or salad, I've recently started eating meat after being a veggie for a few years as it was making me ill, I went out bought some bacon, sausage and steak and scoffed the lot, these were the things I missed the most

  10. I think its cool if you still want to be vegetarian even if your friends aren't. Who says you have to eat meat anyway? But if you really want to try it, I would stick with very small portions of lean meats like chicken, turkey, and non-fishy seafood like fresh shrimp, tuna, or salmon. It also might help if the meat is mixed into the dish such as spaghetti with meat sauce or chicken pot pie. I would stay away from super processed meats like hot dogs or sausage. You were a vegetarian for a long time and I imagine it will take your body a while to adjust to the change!

  11. if you get grossed out by meat then there is no way that you are going to be able to eat it. just try it you might like it but i just try it


    meat is matter what you say.

    o & uh  fyi vegetarians  eat normal food to.

  13. Well just be like, its already dead, you cant do anything about it. It's food. You need meat in your diet, you just need it lol. Try putting some meat with something like your favorite sauce or with a salad. Meat is delicious dont get grossed out =]


  14. maybe you should try to go back into meat slowly start with poultry then fish then once your ready red meats.

  15. eat tofu for a month then u slowly eat little pieces of meat with salads and stuff lik dat

  16. chicken slices in a sandwhich with mayo, then move onto something bigger like a chicken breast, and then a steak, then the almighty dreaded killer big mac. good luck. meat is nice. but you still wanna eat vegggggg.

  17. Why force yourself to do something that is not making you happy? If you see a non-veg item that looks good to eat, try it. If you don't, don't eat it. And that goes for anyone. Don't force yourself to eat food you don't like.  (Well, barring a nutritiona/health problem.)

    Why worry about eating the same as your friends? There's plenty of vegetarian and non-veg foods out there for you all to enjoy.

    As a cook and frequent party-thrower, I always accommodate the dietary requirements of everyone I'm inviting.. makng sure the guy allergic to chocolate knows exactly which items he can and can't eat. Same with the veggie friends. The low carb friends. The no salt friends. And the ... if it doesn't move I eat it friends. Strict Kosher friends are on their own... cause that's just the way Kosher is. It's really not that hard to be sure everyone has items then can eat.

  18. you shouldnt have to stop anything just to impress your friends. If you get grossed out then dont eat it! but if you WANT to try and eat meat go ahead! but dont force yourself to do anything :)

    hope i helped

  19. The reason you get grossed out is because meat is gross.  Do you know what those animals go through and the way they are killed?

    Your Mother knew that and that's why she has raised you as a vegetarian.  Go with your gut.  If you are grossed out then don't eat it.  Eating gobs of bleeding animal flesh is not needed.  You have lived your whole life without it.

    It you start eating meat now you could get fat anyways.

    I agree that this question is a bit trollish.

  20. You are getting grossed out for a reason. A good reason. Forget the adolescent rebellion trip and become a natural leader of your generation toward a healthier planet, a more conscious, more compassionate, more caring society through a plant based diet. Good grief! You have been groomed for it all your life. There are so many people who come to these pages looking for what you want to throw away. What a waste!

  21. to be honest, i think its great how you were raised

    watching all the videos and realizing what you are eating

    just gives me chills, i think fish is an exception

    but thats just me, ive just recently became a vegetarian

    and it has taken great wonders on me

    i think its a good thing meat has grossed you out

    but dont worry it does the same for me

    you might even start feeling guilty when you eat meat

    you can visit

    or more importantly

    go to youtube and type in

    "meet your meat"

  22. I think your a troll :-)

    Why on earth would you want to start eating meat? Why not take up drinking and smoking pot too? I'm sure some of your friends do that too.

    Before you start eating meat watch some PETA videos about how they treat the animals. Go fishing, catch, kill and butcher your own fish, then cook it up. That should gross you out, if your not a troll.

  23. don't eat fast food meat, try little portions of real meat and take it slow since your body isn't used to eating so much.

  24. Don't do it!!! I gave up eating meat a month ago, and I don't understand why you would want to try it. Don't do stuff just because your friends do it. If all your friends jumped off a bridge would you follow them?

  25. well....dont picture little cows with knives in their eyes or little headless chickens running around your plate...

    that could help

  26. why would you want to stop being a vegetarian?

    being a vegetarian is a lot more healthly than eating meat

  27. well u  start with a little bit of meat like chicken just little bites at a time...get use to the taste first.... u need to take time to git use to the taste dont rush into it. or u can try chicken salad just get chicken and put it into ur salad that can help...

    hope i helped! cya ~


  28. Just gradually try new foods and see if they agree with you...I was a vegetarian for years and began to eat seafood and fish again and it settles well...other meats like pork, beef and chicken are just disgusting to me...I will eat a patty melt around once a year but have to be in a weird mood to do it...really your mom did you a favor raising you this will be healthy...but try shrimp or crab or lobster or some fish and chips...very yummy...

  29. Kill something then eat it, preferably raw. Deer is good. If you can't kill it yourself, then don't eat.


  30. Have a bit of courage and show your "friends" that vegetarians are strong, healthy, and can stand on their own two feet!

    Why join in the killing just to be trendy? That's just gang culture - look at the news!

  31. just try it it's very nice find the nicest chicken go to kfc then you'll get used to it babe

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