
How to stop touching my face?

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I keep touching my face with all the acne, and usually every time I touch it a new pimple forms or I pop it and I get all the pigmentation when it heals and my face looks bad. What can I do to stop touching it?




  1. i know i am exactly the same! and i notice that when i dont touch my face it clears up heaps! so i am waiting for a good answer too! sorry but i dont know how to help you to stop! good luck anyway! =)

  2. Wear mittens.

  3. HAHAHA, phobosnos. ^_^

  4. If you have severe acne go to your Dermatologist. Mine SAVEDD MY LIFE! He prescribed me accutane. Seriously make an apt.

    But back to the question I'm suppose to answer.

    Don't look in the mirror in the morning and before bed (those are the most likely times you pick.). If you need to find where a pimple is so that you can put a treatment on it feel around your face.

    And yes, you are right. The more you touch your face, the more sensitive it becomes, and the more acne you get.

    Go to your Derm, i Highly recommend it.

  5. I used to have the same problem, but was for a sore I had on the back of my neck. Unfortunately the only thing that works is for me to make a conscious effort to NOT touch it.  I put a bandaid on my finger and whenever I felt that on the back of my neck I would immediately stop.

  6. light your face on fire so your scared to touch it

  7. It is difficult not to touch your face.  So what you probably need to do is to take steps to reduce the acne or even let them go away.  The following will give you some details about acne.

    Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder.  Acne is more common in males because androgens (male s*x hormones) like testosterone, stimulates the production of keratin and sebum, which leads to clogged pores.  During puberty, androgens increase in both sexes, making girls in this age group more susceptible as well.  Acne flares up, in older women are also prompted by the release of progesterone after ovulation.

    The sebaceous glands, located in each hair follicle or tiny pit of skin, produce oil that lubricates the skin.  These are found in large number on the face, shoulders, back and chest.  If some of the oil becomes trapped, bacteria multiply in the follicle and the skin becomes inflamed.  Acne is not caused by dirty pores, but most likely by overactive oil glands; the excess oil makes the pores sticky, allowing bacteria to become trapped inside.

    The exact cause of acne is not known, but factors that contribute to the condition include heredity, oily skin, use of cosmetics, over consumption of drunk foods, nutritional deficiencies, exposure to industrial pollutants, monthly menstrual cycles, and over washing or repeated rubbing of the skin.

    The skin is the largest organ of the body.  One of its functions is to eliminate a portion of the body’s toxic waste products through sweating.  If the body contains more toxins than the kidneys and liver can effectively discharge, the skin takes over.  As toxins escape through the skin, they disrupt the skin’s healthy integrity.  This is the key factor behind many skin disorders, including acne.

    The skin also breathes.  If the pores become clogged, the microbes that are involved in causing acne flourish because they are protected against the bacteriostatic action of sunshine.  Dirt, dust, oils and grime from pollution clog the pores, but this can be eliminated by washing the skin properly.  

    Eat a lot of all kinds of fruits and vegetables.  Eat a diet that is high in fiber.  This is important for keeping the colon clean and ridding the body of toxins.  Raw cabbage is excellent to improve the elimination process of the colon.

    Increase your intake of raw foods inclusive of almonds, beets, and cashews.  Eat more foods rich in zinc including shellfish, soy beans whole grains, sunflower seeds, and raw nuts daily.

    Eat plenty of soured products such as yogurt to maintain healthy intestinal flora.

    Reduce your intake of sweets.  As much as possible avoid stress.  Stress can promote hormonal changes and cause flare-ups.  Many dermatologists also recommend fifteen minutes of sunshine each day, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep for people with acne.

    Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day.  Wash your face with a soft soapy bath rag twice per day.


  8. Sit on your hands.

  9. whne ever you touch your faced slap your wrist or something to put pain with touching your face, it sounds just like a bad habit to just work hard and think about what youa re doing and then kinda punish yourself small like to remind you to not to!!

  10. stop touching it....

  11. Remind yourself that your skin is an organ, AN ORGAN! You wouldn't squeeze your heart would you?

  12. Just try hard. Eventually you can do it (I did) Just keep thinking about the clear skin you want and how it's better than touching your face. Maybe wear gloves so the oils from your hands won't get on your face.

    If you want to go extreme, sometimes when you're not in public put paint or something on your hands, you won't want to touch your face! Or something that smells bad or whatever.

  13. its a bad habit & hard to break just fight urge is all i can tell ya...i am the sameway have been picking my face for years, there for awhile i got some really good cleanser &( whole beauty routine stuff but i'm female ) & it helped knowing i had something that was working so left my hands off as much as i could but back at it again lol uggh...try to find something to do with your hands & keep your mind off your face

  14. find something to do with your hands.  You know how they tell smokers to chew gum to do something else with their mouth, so just take that method and apply it to your hands. The first idea that comes to mind is rubber bands. It sounds almost childish, but doing rubber band tricks to distract your hands from your face could definitely help.

  15. there really is no real way to not touch your face.  just try not to.  

    OR.....   put all your fingers in you butt.   so when you think about touching your face you remember that your fingers have been inside your butt.

  16. Haha ok I tried this! Set yourself a goal, go ONE week without touching your face unnecessarily!  Like of course I understand having to pop OMG obvious zits but other than that HANDS OFF.  Clean your face , put on astringent whatever but after one week you should be able to see a difference. Your face will start clearing up and with just that difference in one week you will WANT to keep your hands off your face and it will help break the habit... Does all that make sense? ;) Just about self control... Good luck!

  17. For one, the natural oil in your hands is part of what is giving you acne. Plus, DON'T POP PIMPLES that's why you get those acne scars.

    Just keep busy and tell yourself what happens when you touch your face.

  18. sit on your hands of wear gloves so your oil from hands does not get on face...

  19. cut your hands off

  20. put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it whenever you get the urge or find yourself touching your face.  or pinch yourself.  your brain will associate with pain and you won't have the compulsion so much.  its a tried method of behavioral therapists, and you'll become more conscious of what you're doing.  you might also replace the skin picking behavior with something else- recite a line of a song or really, anything, every time you find yourself doing it.  

  21. Same here!! I try to wear clothes with pockets (pants) or keep stuff on hand to keep my hands busy.  Good luck!

  22. superglue your hands together!

  23. ok, get a treatment. And just don't touch your face. tie your arms. lol

  24. about not touching it..?

  25. You have to find out why you keep touching it... maybe cuz its oily which causes it to itch. In that case washing your face a couple times a day might help. If not  you just have to make a conscious decision not to touch it. Have a friend help you notice when your doing it- that always helps me quit things!

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