
How to study hard?

by Guest61414  |  earlier

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How to study hard?




  1. studying hard means: DISCIPLINE

    1. discipline using time. Do not delay doing what should be doing.  cut-off excessive using of time--watching tv, playing basketball, or other things that seem to snatch your attention from studying (specially at home)

    2. discipline reading. even you don't feel like reading your notes, make it a habit to review your notes...and other lessons.

    3. discipline from leisure. do not overspend your time for enjoyable activity as your peer groups are usually will eat up time, money, and energy.

    4. discipline listening. during the class, listen carefully while the teacher/ is giving can participate well during discussion if you are listening..

    5. give attention to homework and seatwork. oblige yourself to do things concerning your study, make it a promise to yourself and not to anybody else.  be ready everyday...that will boost your self confidence in the class..the rest of the student will look high on you and respect your hardwork.

    5. be focused. do not give chances to anything, whatsoever, to distruct your attention.  stay focus to your study, whatever you want to become someday will start today. is your study getting harder? stay calm, cool, confident, and humble.

    most of all: do not procrastinate matters until it was almost too late...people are "last minute productive"; whatever you can do today, do not put to delay.

  2. definitely don't procrastinate because u don't wanna be craming all of it in in the las 10 days. just do your work. when you get stuck, have a fifteen minute break or so. relax during your break. don't do something that is not relaxing.

  3. focus,concentrate,never think of stupid things,think of your goals and trust yourself and think that you can do it

  4. work hard

  5. Shut off the Simpsons.

  6. Dont study just for the sake of it.

    Understand the subject / notes and try to relate it to more practical things.

    No need to by-heart the subject.

    Allocate some time

  7. Just try to focus. Close your eyes and tell yourself: "I need to do this." Get away from all distractions. Youtube, myspace, facebook, television, and video games are Satan's instruments when you're trying to concentrate.
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