
How to survive Freshmen year?

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I'm going to High School in a few weeks and i'm so scared about the school work and being picked on can anybody tell me how to deal with or what i should expected? -Thanks so much




  1. freshman year sucks

    listen to music if possible

    make friends with the upper classmen

  2. I was a freshman last year and I can't remember how I got through my first year. All I did was listen to music that i liked really loud when I had a tough day at school on the bus ride home oh and on lunch too

  3. This is what you should expect:

    When you get there you will probably be very nervous and excited. Don't worry, everyone else is too and not because you know it's scary or terrible, but because you don't really know what to expect. This worry will only last for a very short time, not even throughout the day probably because it will go SO fast! The school work will most likely be harder than you have had before but it's okay because the teachers are used to having freshman, they start slowly and ease you into the transition. The older kids might seem intimidating but, at least for me last year, if you don't get in their way they really don't cause any harm at all. I was scared they would pick on me but they didn't at all, some of them even helped me fine classes on the first day! For the most part though, I would advise asking peers and teachers of the previous class for help to the next one. Upperclassmen don't like to have their time wasted and Seniors are very into themselves. By the end of the first day you will know where all your classes are and you will probably already have homework that first night. The end of the week will be over in a blink and in the second week you will feel like you've been in high-school for years. It's not a huge deal and really, you are wearing yourself from worry for nothing, for one day of uncertainty. Enjoy your last weeks of summer and really don't worry, it will be totally fine and you will be glad you didn't stress over something that everyone goes through, have a great freshman year! Good Luck!

  4. I was a freshman two years ago, and it isn't bad. Don't be afraid, it's highly unlikely you'll be picked on, and if you are, it'll only be passing. Try to just smile and move on. The school work is pretty basic, just don't allow yourself to fall behind. If you can do this, you'll be just fine. Good luck!

  5. aw high school freshmen year tat was me last year. but dont be scared. its not like in the movies where u get picked on. high school is all about growing up. and changes. 'most' people in high school are much more grown up. social problems ... you don't need to worry because some people realize what is right and what is wrong as they grow.

    the school work.. expect it to be a lot more. for me.. i was in advanced ib classes so it was a lot harder for me i didnt really have time to hang out a lot like in middle school and was way more focused in school than jst slackin off like i did in middle school. but if you're in regular classes.. my guess is it'll definitely be harder. but not a lot harder. it'll just seem like middle school but in high school and a different setting. and you will have to take notes by yourself. so notebooks where you listen to the teacher they'll write stuff on the board or powerpoints where you'll have to write down for yourself to study.

    and don't worry about being picked on. 'cuase as long as you dont make anyone mad ur not going to get picked on by upperclassmen 'cause im pretty sure many of them have much more to worry about rather than to pick on a freshmen.

    and the good thing about high school.. there's so much more freedom and crazy things tat ull get to experience. so its okay to be scared. the first few weeks will take some time to get use to.. but by the end of the first quarter ull be right in there w/ everyone else and it'll seem like u were always in high school.  

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