
How to talk on the phone?

by Guest32942  |  earlier

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It's weird when people call me. Most of the time, I never know what to say so I just end up blubbering like an idiot to avoid awkward silences and feel stupid after the conversation is over. I don't understand it. For instance, when people call my brother, they talk and talk and he barely says anything. It's always like that. When I get on the phone when people call me, they just sit there like they expect me to talk all the time and i'm really not that much of a phone person. What can I do?




  1. Ask them how things are going with work and all.   That should get them talking.

  2. You can try asking them questions if you don't have much to say.  Not everyone is a phone person.  If someone calls you and doesn't have anything to say you could also politely end the conversation.  "Well, thanks for calling, I don't want to keep you."

  3. that happens to me sometimes. it bothers me how the other person doesn't even try to say anything. Try asking the other person questions and try to not say that much but still avoiding wierd silences

  4. just try to get to the point of  the call then hang up

  5. Admit it, you are a blabber mouth and talk a lot because you are very insecure with yourself.

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