
How to tell my parents?????

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i want to get a promise ring. and my parents probably dont like me thinking about s*x and stuff. so if i ask them idk how they will react. they are sort of strict but i want a promise ring so i dont end up going down the wrong path . . . . that most of my friends took. and i want to have a little reminder that s*x is for marraige. so how do i tell them?

im 14 : /




  1. Parents are elated to hear that their kids aren't sexually active. I put mine on my christmas list and now my mom buys one for each of the girls in the family when they are old enough to understand. Tell them that you want to get a promise ring to show everyone that you value your virginity and the importance of waiting for s*x til marriage. I would be proud to have you for a daughter...I'm sure your parents feel the same way!

  2. i think you should just come out and tell them how you told us

    i don't think they will be mad, it shows that you want to take the path that im sure they want for you

    good luck! xx

  3. what is a promise ring at 14 gonna prove. those should only be from that special person in your life.

  4. You could just buy a cheap ring by yourself, wear it, and not tell them what it means.

  5. I believe your parents would be very proud of you to make such a brilliant decision! I only hope my daughter has the same smarts  to know that the union between two people is very sacred. Good luck and go tell your parents!!

  6. promise rings are dumb. If you dont want to "go down the wrong path" then dont. you shouldnt need a ring to help you with that if you really dont want to. its call self control.

  7. They should be proud that you are one girl who wants to go down the s*x until marriage path. Just talk to them. Be like; "I'd really like to get a promise ring because I feel taht remaining a virgin until marriage is the way I want to live my life, and I want the ring to show other people of my pledge."

    EDIT: Purity rings are the same thing as promise rings.

    "I want to be pure until marriage," is the same as "I promise to be a virgin until marriage." :]

  8. Just like you told us. They will understand and probably be very  proud of you

  9. just tell them they'll probably be happy

  10. listen, your parents should be happy that you want to save s*x for marriage. but i understand what you mean about having strict parents. what i suggest is that you tell them you want to do this as you said to remember that s*x is for marriage and that you don't want to end up on the wrong path and that you want others to know what you believe. they will probably understand. if not then wow they are strict.

  11. So how is a promise ring bad? they should be happy that you don't want to s***w around.

  12. just buy cheap 50 cent rings for all 3 of you and say this is a promise ring for all 3 of us and how u promise u will not have s*x until your married.. they should b happy and im sure they will like the gift :) good luck

  13. Just flat out tell them.

    They wont be mad, they'll reward you for telling them that you're sure you want to wait until marriage to have s*x.

    "mom, dad can i talk to you?"

    "what is it?"

    "i want a promise ring..."

    "what's that?"

    "it's a ring that will remind me to stay 'absitinant' until i'm married"

    i'm sure they'll be thrilled to know that their little girl isn't a w***e   :)

  14. if it means more to you, then buy it for your reasons whatever helps you....

  15. I think most parents would be chuffed you are!

    Less worry for them.

  16. they should understand that your being responsible and wanting to say absent from s*x till marriage. its a big desicon but you wont end up pregnant.

  17. just  buy a ring your self tht does not cost tht much and just wear it nd don't tell your parents wht it means.

  18. i think that seriously if you go to tell your parents that you want a promise ring-they will be so happy.  Its normal for a 14 yr old to think about s*x, so if they know that YOU are the one bringing it up and wanting to make the committment to them, they will be so happy and probably take you out that day to get one.

  19. just tell them u want one.

    theyll probably admire u more and be happy bout how responsible u r being.

    just say "mom, dad, ive been thinking bout it a lot and many of my friends have had s*x. and i dont want to be like them, so i was wondering if u could buy me a purity ring as a reminder to myself that s*x should be saved til marriage."

    hope that works! wish me luck 2 im gonna ask my 'rents sometime this week! im 15.

  20. you should just flat out tell them that you want one. they will probably respect your decision. its not like you are talking to them about having s*x you are asking them for a purity/promise ring to remind yourself that s*x should wait. I think that they will feel better about that.

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