
How to test out homeschooling??

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i want to try homeschooling for a week to see if I like it enough to quit school. What subjects/activities/chores should I do to test it out?? For around 6th grade, better/advanced in English




  1. do it during break, 4 say 1/2 the time

  2. You could try it during a break or ask the principal if you don't want to do it so correctly you could say you were sick. I'm a homeschooler and I LOVE it.

  3. Have to agree, a week isn't long enough.  Homeschooling is so different than bus schedules, or stupid school schedules at all, other than that you have about 180 days to finish a grade level at the elementary level.  

    With homeschooling you set your own schedule, plan massive amounts of field-trips if your parents are willing to help you out, spend as much time on a subject as you wish, do things over and over until you actually understand it, and eat right from your kitchen or spend it with your Grandma who would probably love your company (if you have one that lives close by), take an assortment of day classes if you can afford to and want to.  And best of all, you can finish that grade level much faster and move on to the next if you learn the material faster.  I think 6 months is a better test of which is going to be best for you and your family.   You probably just got back into the second half of this year so maybe taking the rest of this year off to try homeschooling would help you decide for next year, which is actually just about 7 months away.

  4. first you really  need to know the laws of the state you are in before you jump into it, and a structured curriculum would be better, some do offer samples on-line

  5. I would say a week really isn't long enough, but you could try over spring break. I'd say summer break is going to be long enough to allow you time to get bored and see if you stick with the schedule over time.

  6. I can understand how it sounds like a reasonable experiment, however I don't think it will really help you by doing this.

    Homeschooling is more of a lifestyle, it is not just doing school work at home. It is a completely different educational model and philosophy than school is.  It takes time to get used to it. In fact, the best and most important piece of advice that a veteran homeschooler can give a perspective homeschooler is to "deschool"-- that is, to take some time and not do any structured work for a few months until you've begun to adapt to being home and not having school as part of your life.

    Whatever you do for that week will be like a week home from school, and probably won't reflect your homeschooling experience should you go that route.

    If you really want to know what homeschooling is like, rather than taking time off to do schoolwork at home, I would recommend getting your hands on the following books and reading them:

    Growing Without Schooling by John Holt

    The Teen Liberation Handbook by Grace Llewellyn

    The Homeschooling Book Of Answers by Linda Dobson

  7. a week really isnt that long to see if you like it, nor to get a good 'feel' of what its like.  some weeks you spend reading and doing work, other weeks you may be on field trips and not have any work.

    If you want to challenge yourself for a week while you are off school, maybe complete a chapter in each subject.  do all the work within the chapter, and at weeks end write a few paragraphs to summarize what you learned in the subjects of biology and Latin/Greek studies

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