
How to topspin a volleyball?

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I tried to do it many times, but i wasn't effective. I dont understand how snapping your wrist helps? How do you snap your wrists? And, how to bring power and speed in topspin? Help me to succeed a topspin. THANKS!




  1. For top spin: lead your arm motion with the elbow. Then, come on top of the ball (not right on top, about a 75 degree angle from the bottom of the ball). Now this is where your snap comes in. Your hand is back and "flicks" or "snaps" down on the ball, directing it downwards. Good luck!

  2. Make sure your hand is curved or cupped.  I am only talking a slight bend in your hand.  If your hand is flat, none of the above answers will help you.  Your fingers will hit the ball slightly ahead of the rest of your hand.  Since the top of the ball is hit first, it will start the topspin.  You are correct about the wrist snap.  I love it when coaches say that you have to snap your wrist while you are contacting the ball.  You should really think about letting your wrist snap.  You should not keep your wrist firm like you do for a floater serve.  

    Another thing to try is just working on this against the wall.  Once you feel comfortable that you are getting topspin when you work against the wall, go to the court.  Start about 20 feet from the net and stay on the ground.  Keep hitting the ball over the net from there.  

    If you get good at the topspin, you might also add it to your serves that you do.  The jump serves are effective because of the topspin, not the jump.  If everyone on your team serves floaters, your topspin serve will be effective.  

    Keep working on your topspin.  It is a very effective down ball shot.  Do not get discouraged that you do not get it right away.

  3. The way i was taught to topsin when float//jump serving or hitting is to roll your hand over the top of the ball. sort of like a roll shot but more power and its quicker.

  4. pretend like you're grabbing the ball from the top when you're hitting it.

  5. I had the same problem. I'm a back row player and to hit 10-balls or back row hits you need topspin for the hit to work.

    The best drill I've tried i found by trial and error. Anyway, this helped me and it should help you too.

    get a tennis ball or baseball and a brick wall. throw the ball against it with your elbow at a 90 degree angle. only use your wrist to throw it not your shoulder. Do this many times until you know what snapping your wrist feels like. You can also do this by throwing the ball against the ground. After you do this with the smaller ball move up to a volleyball and just throw it with your wrist. After you get this move on to hitting against a wall and keep practicing form.

  6. when you serve just snap your wrist downwards while hitting the will create the ball to go both forwards and will create a topspin

  7. it starts with the toss. you have to toss the ball in the air making it spin forward with a lite easy toss. the when u make contact with the ball u want to hit it about in the middle of the ball and continue your handup around the ball so that your wrist snaps forward and extra spin is added to the ball to make it drop. its just like throwing a curveball in baseball at least the spin is the same.

    P.S. a knuckling ball (floater) is harder for someone to pass

  8. Snapping your wrist just means to flick your wrist down, in a quick motion on the ball.  It will spin the ball forward to make it go harder, faster and more difficult to dig.  To get the feel for it, point your wrist down so there is a stretch on the top of your hand/wrist.  When you are going up to hit, or serve, right after your contact the ball, snap your wrist down and swing through.  This will give you top spin on it.  The follow through is very important too.  This takes a lot of practice to do, so keep trying.  I just got it down after 2.5 years of serious volleyball.  good luck!

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