
How to transport a gerbil?

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i want to take my gerbil to my aunt's house so i can introduce it to my small cuzins. how should do that? should i buy those small pet critters from the pet store? or i just can take the whole 10 gallon terrarium? but i took it all 10 terrarium, it is so pratical... so what is the best way?

and if you another way, please do tell.

and i will be there for maybe 5 to 10 hours?




  1. ask Richard Greir

  2. First, why are you introducing your gerbil to your cousins? Unless you're looking for them to be cage mates, they shouldn't be introduced for "play dates". It's extremely stressful on your gerbil to make that trip, then meet a strange gerbil. Chances are, they'll get into a fight and you may just end up with a bloody mess on your hands.

    Gerbils are, generally, territorial with new gerbils. They do well in same s*x pairs with a gerbil from the same litter or a gerbil that is carefully introduced. To introduce new gerbils, you'd want to use a split cage method to introduce them. It doesn't sound like you're looking for them to be cage mates, so I really don't recommend you introduce them. It's really not necessary, and isn't a good idea.

    Gerbils aren't like dogs that can get together for play dates and interact well with each other. They're much different, and you must be aware of that. You can't just put gerbils together and expect them to get along.

  3. the best way in my experience would be to tie a string around its neck and tie the other end to a tennis racket

  4. If you can take the terrarium, do it - because 5-10 hours is too long for it to be away from its home. But *DURING* transport put the gerbil in a shoe box or something similar and dark to keep it calm, or if the terrarium is on a smooth surface stick a towl over it. Alternitivly get your cousins to come to you!

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