
How to treat intestinal parasites?

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I have been having a ton of stomach problems and was recently told by an Ostopath that I have a parasite in my intestine. I did travel to an island off of Honduras and was very sick when I returned, about a year ago. I had stool testing done by an M.D., yet nothing was found. I have had stomach problems ever since.

Was told to go to a Naturopathic, but I can not afford at this time as they are $275/apointment in my area. Any tips on Herbal remedies? What would a Naturopathic do? Any help!?




  1. The two natural antibiotics colloidal silver and garlic oil (odourless capsules) should help.

  2. depends on the parasite- if you have a tapeworm  they have some pretty disgusting ways to deal with that that you really dont want to do- do you know what parasite it may be- is there anything in your stool- a tapeworm will have segments that part from the body that look like a piece of corn in your stool but it will be white instead. There are oils that can loosen your stools to flush it out if that is the parasite. If nothing came out of the tests how do you know you have it- maybe go back to the ostopath and consult with them about any other things you can do

  3. Check this site out below it explains treatment options

  4. yikes

  5. Intestinal parasites/Intestinal worms

    Among the numerous home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of intestinal worms, the use of coconut is most effective. It is an ancient remedy for expelling all kinds of intestinal worms. A tablespoon of freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast, followed by 30 to 60 ml of castor oil mixed with 250 to 375 ml of lukewarm milk after three hours. This process may be repeated till the cure is complete.

    Garlic has been used from ancient times by the Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Babylonians for expelling intestinal worms. It is still used by modern medical practitioners for the same purpose. Both fresh garlic and its oil are effective. An ancient method of its administration was to place a couple of cloves fresh garlic in each shoe. As the person walked, the cloves got crushed, and the worm-killing garlic oil was absorbed by the skin and carried by the blood into the intestines easily, as it possessed a powerful penetrative force. This ancient method is worth a trial by those who do no not like the taste of garlic and cannot eat it. Those who can eat raw garlic, however, should chew three cloves of garlic every morning.

    Carrots are valuable in the elimination of threadworms among children as they are offensive to all parasites. A small cup of grated carrot taken every morning, with no other food added to the meal, can clear these worms quickly

    The digestive enzyme papain in the milky juice of the unripe papaya is a powerful agent for destroying roundworms. A tablespoon of the fresh juice of an unripe papaya, and an equal quantity of honey should be mixed with three to four tablespoons of hot water and taken as a dose by an adult. This should be followed two hours later by a dose of 30 to 60 ml of castor oil mixed in 250-375 ml of lukewarm milk. This treatment should be repeated for two days if necessary. For children between seven to ten years of age, half the above doses should be given. For children under three years, a tablespoon is sufficient. Papaya seeds are also useful for this purpose. They are rich in a substance called caricin which is a very effective medicine for expelling roundworms. The seeds should be powdered and taken in doses of one teaspoon with one cup of milk or water daily in the morning on an empty stomach. The alkaloid carpaine found in papaya leaves also has the power to destroy or expel intestinal worms. An infusion can be made by pouring 250 ml of boiling water over 15 gm of dry leaves. This can be taken with honey.

    The bark, both of the root and the stems of the pomegranate tree, is well known for its anthelmintic properties of destroying parasitic worms. The bark of the root is, however, preffered as it contains a greater quantity of the alkaloid punicine than the bark of the stem. This alkaloid is highly toxic to tapeworms. A cold decoction of the bark, preferably fresh bark, should be given in quantities of 90 to 180 ml three times, at intervals of one hour, to an adult. A purgative should be given after the last dose. The dose for children is 30 to 60 ml. The decoction is also used for expelling tapeworms.

  6. And how did the Osteopath diagnose you with intestinal parasites?   I'm guessing he didn't do stool tests to look for the worms or their eggs or larva, which is the ONLY way you can do it.  Your doctor did a stool test a year ago, they aren't 100% sensitive, so it should probably be repeated, if there is really a concern about parasites.  My guess is you don't have any, but it should be ruled out.

    You don't say what you mean by "stomach problems".  Parasites typically will cause loose stools/diarrhea and weight loss.  They don't affect the stomach itself.

    There are lots of other more likely gastrointestinal disorders that need to be considered.  Osteopaths and Naturopaths have no legitimate training or expertise either in the diagnosis or treatment of gastro-intestinal disorders,their philosophies of disease are not evidence based.  Naturopaths tend to blame everything on allergies to milk, or various "toxins" they then want to purge from your system.  I've seen YouTube videos of them diagnosing people with "parasites" by doing "muscle testing"...which is magical nonsense. It's almost funny if it wasn't so sad people believe that and are duped into taking useless treatments for a disease they don't actually have

    You need a proper diagnosis before you get treatment.  With apologies to the AM won't get a proper diagnosis by seeing a Naturopath.

  7. the key is to flush the suckers out using a gun or explosives...a knife can scare them only so far, if this doesnt work go to your local hardware store and buy some insect repellent and spray it up there. your welcome for my help!

  8. I have had several pharmaceutical medicine's over the years to help with my IBS, and I found an over the counter product that works real good for me. It is called digestive advantage and sell's  for  about $10.00 for a months supply.

    Hope this helps

    Here is a link to the product

  9. You very well may have a case of WORMS it is not unheard of in fact let me relate to you my own story.

    Back in 1970 when i was sent back from Viet Nam after serving my 2nd tour. I was walking down the street one day and felt something cold on the inside edge of my right buttocks about a inch from my a**s. I walked into a local Bar

    and went directly to the bathroom. Pulling my pants down i found about 8-10 white worms about 8" long tapered on both ends. And they were ice cold strange  feeling. I wiped them away into the commode and kept one wrapped it in a paper towel. And went directly to the ER at the local Hospital and showed it to the Dr when he seen me. He said it was not uncommon to see these especially from Veterans coming back from overseas duty. He gave me some pills that were

    big enough to choke a horse and told me to take them for two weeks. He also said that i was lucky to be alive from this.

    I have never been bothered with them again. But i do know

    worms are common in babies especially if you have cats in your home they carry worms.

  10. If you HAD stool testing and it was negative, then it is HIGHLY unlikely that your symptoms are due to "parasites".

    If you want to be sure, get tested again.  Your osteopath's "diagnosis" is apparently based only on symptoms, and is not reliable.  Do not waste your money on a "naturopath", as their diagnostic skills are even shakier.

    Above all, do NOT rush to treatment until you know that there is something to treat.   You could make your problems worse.

  11. Try this, they say it really works and costs half of dr visit.

  12. If you cant afford treatment, I would suggest going to a clinic that can offer you medical assistance based on your wages that you make during the year.  An intestinal parasite is a major problem and if it goes undetected and untreated you can possibly die from it.  I am in the medical field and I have seen it.  I suggest going to a clinic and go from there, they should have all of the resources and doctors available to help you.  With this problem you might have to have surgery if the parasite is big enough such as a tape worm or such.  But most can be cured with high doses of antibiotics.  I hope this helps you.

  13. I know that drinking hydrogen peroxide (at the proper concentration) can yield positive results for parasites. I wrote a llong thing detailing how to do it for candida here

    and the procedure you follow for parasites would be nearly identical.

    I also know that using rife machines often are very effective for curing parasites, but it's difficult to get ahold of them.  Hence I'd recommend doing the peroxide route.  There are probably some other approaches which are helpful, but those are the only two which I personally know work.

  14. I agree you should have your stools re-tested.

    Being an Osteopath myself (Not trained in the US. US trained Osteo's are also MD's and can order these tests), if I had you present to my clinic with your symptoms I would likely think of parasitical infection as a differential diagnosis but wouldn't be bold enough to diagnose this without refering you on to a stool test first.

    It is possible that something else is going on and you don't have a parasitical infection at all.

    The sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve supply to the Gastro intestinal tract can be affected by a whole list of things and cause symptoms of diahorea, constipation, spasms etc, making you feel very unwell.

    This is something that osteopathy can treat and contrary to what skep doc has said we are trained how to treat it and other gastro-intestinal disorders but not in the conventional allopathic way.

    These could also be symptoms of an explosion in the candida population in your GI tract in which case nutrition and supplementation would be appropriate (and wouldn't need to cost a great deal either).

    If you do have a parasitic infection no osteopathic technique will cure you and you will need some kind of intervention to rid you of it although you may find osteopathy does help with the symptoms temporarily.

    If I had parasites in my guts i'd want rid of them personally.

    Perhaps a Naturopath can answer a good natural remedy to rid of parasites. I don't know of any non allopathic myself and for what it is worth, my opinion is, allopathic medicine is very good at doing things like riding the body of parasitic infections if indeed you do have one.

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