
How to tune my guitar?

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I am on my 2nd day of teaching myself guitar online (with my brothers guitar) and its out of tune today. my brother used to use his tuner but put it on a special "pitch" right now the tuner is on 140. what do i set it to? when i learn chords they are all out of tune because my strings dont match the teachers.




  1. If you mean _440_ that is an "A" on the scale, OTOH, 140 would be the quarter-step between C# and D.

    EDIT:  I just thought..that would be "A" on the 5th fret 1st string for the A=440.  Get one string tuned and then tune the rest from that one.

    The big A (5th string) should be 110.

  2. well if you at least one string tuned then you put your finger on the 5th fret and then match the same note.  When you get to the g-string put your finger on the 4th and then the 5th again for the little e
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