
How weird is this job offer?

by  |  earlier

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I got a call from someone I interviewed this last week with. I did get an offer and they asked me for a commited day to start...

THey did NOT have a salary for me though! I told them that only when I get this in an offer letter would I commit to anything only once I know what my salary is! How stupid was that?




  1. It's stupid on their part, not yours. You need to know what they will be paying you. Usually the person will tell you what the pay is before the interview ends. I'd think twice about taking this job. Or, find out what the pay will be before you take the job.

  2. You are wise to request an offer letter.  Get it in writing.  You are far more professional than they are.  Personally, I would think twice about working for these folks.

  3. Yeah, thats not right.

    Something fishy is up with all that.

    I don't blame you for not taking it without a discussion about salary.

    Tell them your acceptance is contingent upon whether or not the salary meets with your approval.  

  4. of course you need to know what you will be paid  sounds fishy to me  i like to know what i am going to be paid before the interview  dont waste my time and your if it is not up to what i am expecting then there is no need go thru an interview

  5. Sounds like they didn't have their ducks in a row before calling you.

    You did the right thing by putting them in their place and by forcing them to put everything in writing.  

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