
How will I make friends?..?

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I am 14 and starting high school in a week. I just moved from a different town across state, and today I went to the orientation for my new high school. Everyone there was laughing and talking with each other, and it's like everyone already knows each other! They weren't exactly friendly, either.. I'm really shy also and nervous around new people, so what should I do?




  1. try to talk to the people that you notice that they are always alone.

  2. Truly be yourself.

    Don't mold yourself into something else just to be accepted. Just think about what you do when you're in school. I'm sure time to time you have walked across the hallway and saw someone who you've never seen before but wondered who they were.

    Choose you're friends wisely. Some people will only use you for what you have and since you're entering High School, this is where it all goes down.

    Smile, be friendly (If that is your nature), keep an open mind and never pass up a chance to talk to someone.

    Initiate small talk with other peers if they look welcoming, you can't expect for everyone to make the first move.

    I'm sure you'll find your click. Hope your High School years are well spent and don't sway away from the righteous path. Some people ruin their lives in high school. =)

    Good Luck!! Keep your eye on that diploma!

  3. be good on others

  4. How to Win Friends and Influence People -->

  5. be yourself but seem warm and friendly so that they will wanna approach you and introduce themselves if they dont just walk right up and say hi. changing scools is hard but there is always at least 1 decent person there

    chin up


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