
How will Rahu Dasha impact me?

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My DOB - July 14, 1974.

Time at birth - 14:48 (pm)

Place of birth - Kathmandu, Nepal

I will be entering Rahu mahadasha in November 2008. I am wondering how Rahu mahadasha will impact me. Can anybody analyze based on my chart?




  1. your lagna is scorpio

    your moon is Aries

    the rahu represent the Mars

    the mars is posited in 9th house and debilated

    so rahu dasha is a period of mixed results

    it promotes you in profession

    some disturbance in health related to stomach and ancle

    relation ship disturbs with partners

    some distant travel related to word

    over all it is good 57 % and bad 43 %

  2. With all due respect, you are not going to get any serious answers on the internet. It takes at least 15 or 20 minutes at the fastest to understand what an individual's major dasha or any planet will bring.

    You will receive many wrong answers, to put it bluntly.

    You can ask for free advice in forums like these, but 99 times out of 100 the answers will be rushed, even if a good astrologer answer, because s/he has other pressing business and paying clients to attend to. Cursory readings of horoscopes are dangerous at best.

    You can get a free reading on the internet. But frankly I'd rather marry a computer than have one interpret my personal horoscope.

    Therefore please have a proper reading done: (not a free service)

    Again, please obtain a careful reading. I would love to be of service. All your specific questions can be answered there. Quick answers to specific questions are always dangerous, because astrology takes place correctly only when the thousands of counter-balancing factors are correctly weighed against one another.

  3. no.  

  4. Debilitated Rahu is placed in Lagna so rahu-rahu dasa cant be good. Rahu-jup will be good. Dispositor Mars is debilitated too but in 9th house which can give travel or wandering for self progression. You might be more inclined to religion, foreign-culture etc. Your brain may not work very smoothly. You may also be involved in irreligious deeds. You may have some affair in rahu-rahu dasa.

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