
How will you spend your Saturday?

by  |  earlier

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I have to pick up my paycheck, go to the gym. Then read, and maybe start drinking around 4:00. Ahh Saturdays....




  1. sleeping...i work 3rd

  2. it's currently 8:23 in the am... and i just got done dropping the husband off at his school, now i'm eating oreos with milk and getting best answers. :D

    i have written out the budget for the next four weeks, not fun... and in about forty minutes Bank of America will open and i will go deposit the money i have been hiding from michael into our account... just so i can see his reaction to an extra four hundred bucks just sitting in the account. :) i also have to pick up his check and deposit it.

    from there i have to take three hundred dollars to Los Reyes Auto, because they're dumbasses who are overcharging us for our car. they have very poor management skills, might i add... but i guess that's to be expected when you buy a car off of a privately owned lot.

    from there i have to go make a money order for $790 for my rent... it's due today...

    and after all this is done, i'll go pick up michael from school. once we get home, he will push the power button on the tv... where he will sit for the following six hours. and i still won't get laid. haven't gotten that much action in a couple weeks now. found out it was all just pity s*x.

    please feel sorry for me. my saturday is miserable. and my life is miserable.. at least at the moment. the only fun i've had lately has been getting like 70 points a day for best answers. how sad is that? :( i suck.

  3. I woke up at 3 am, walked through the house to close windows, and discovered my little dog had died sometime between then and the time I want to bed. She was 14.  Her appetite wasn't real good for the previous week, but I had no idea this was coming. Her attitude was always good. I built a small coffin and buried her about sun-up. The toughest part is the loss of such innocence.

  4. I'll spend mine with my wife and children. They'll watch a couple of Godzilla movies, then go out in the pool, then we'll grille burgers outside when it gets cooler in the afternoon. My wife and I will stay up late and chat about nothing and everything.

  5. Suppose to go singapore indoor stadium to watch wwe summerslam tour but $45 tickets sold out,only left higher price tickets..sad:(

  6. Ive all ready been shopping, going to a christening early tomorrow morning so going to sort out my hair extensions, nails etc. Having a few drinks later on but not major drinking cos I'm saving myself for tomorrow afternoon.

  7. For me normally, I do the chores in the morning then I would go into the shower afterward.  Then I may draw or paint sometimes, write the poems, or read my favorite books.  Relaxing for me on Saturdays mostly.

  8. Drink lots of scotch, pass out, drink a lot more. That covers me until noon.

  9. My son has friends over on Saturday evening to play Texas Hold-em, No money, with chips, SO I go over to their house and entertain my 6 mo. old grandson so his wife can join in on the fun. I would rather do that than play because I love him soooooo much.

    That is how I spend my Saturday.  Of course, I have to answer my e-mails, etc on my pc earlier. Clean up a little around the house then rest to get ready for my evening.

  10. pick up a paycheck

    i dont even think about The gym

    i quickly bypass the library

    and glide swiftly along

    land perfectly at the bar stool

    and refuel all day

    thats what im doing

    and i will stay doing until i cant do it any longer

    then i make my way to departure area and  get  taxied out

    straight to my home and sometimes via kebab shop first

  11. I spend my saterdays rehearsing for our play Seussical the Musical and then I head home and curl up with my books and read

  12. I own a bar.  I pour the drinks for people like you.

  13. Eat an early breakfast, go shopping, finish reading my book: AGENTS OF INNOCENCE by David Ignatius, go see MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM on Boston Common, grab some chow, read the WALL STREET JOURNAL, then relax the rest of the afternoon and evening watching the Discovery Channel.

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