
How would I dye water pink?

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I am wanting to have vases of water dyed pink with ivory floating candles in them for my wedding? but I can not think of how to dye the water pink...I tried the pink food coloring and it looked more red in the water...any ideas please?? thanks :)




  1. Use Food Coloring but only a couple drops.


  2. This might sound silly, but I think letting some peppermints/candy canes sit in it turns water a pink color.

    I used to do this when I was little 'cause I liked peppermint tasting water, but I don't know if the water turned more red than you want.

  3. one drop for light pink

    two drops for a darker pink

    nd 3 for red

    also if u smash a bunch of red/pink crayons nd put them in the water nd then stirr it up then it will turn the water pink

  4. Use red food coloring, then divide the water in half (or pour half out)  and add more water, then in half again and add more and so on, until you have the color you are looking for. Good luck!

  5. food coloring.. use a few drops of red till u get the color right. :))

  6. Have you tried taking a whole pitcher of water and adding 1 drop at a time?

    Also, I imagine icing coloring will dissolve and that comes in pink (rose) also.

    Do you have any left over easter egg dye?

    Good Luck

  7. If the pink food coloring doesnt work then try using a light pink liquid like some of the koolaid or gatorade drinks for example. It may be expensive but it would get the right color and it would still get the effect you want. There are some very light pnk drinks you just have to find the right one. Good luck and congratulations.

  8. How about you go on ebay or something and buy Easter egg dying kits.  They have pink in them.  They are usually tablets, but you can break them off in smaller chunks and that should do it.  :)  

  9. This always works best for me when coloring water: I get out my big case of unwanted markers and just select a shade I want the water to be (in your case, pink). Then, I just uncap the marker and let it sit in the water with the tip down for however long, until the water looks good. Several times, I've also just taken the ink out of the marker completely and let that soak. I'm guessing throwing in little pieces of the Crayola Watercolor paint would work just as well (you're somewhat more limited in shades, though.) However, I have only used these methods for small cups of dyed liquid, never whole vases; so I don't know how it would work for you. The red food dye doesn't sound too bad either - maybe if you watered it down more? In the worst situation, I guess you could always use pink lemonade?

  10. Food coloring....use red but only a few drops..

    Check out my question;...

  11. you are prob putting too much red in the water. try again, with much less.

  12. just use a TINY bit of pink food coloring. or just one or two drops of red.

  13. I was just going to tell you to just use the red dye sparingly, but the kool-aid idea is an awesome one! They have a variety of flavors that are pink. I think it would work great.

  14. use less red food coloring or you could just put something pink, like a napkin or really pretty material, right under the vase or bowl of water with the floating ivory candles.  It will cast a pinkish hue and add a little to the table.



    -get them at grocery stores-beverage isle :)

  16. Put the dye in and than separate it in more vases  and add more water, it should dilute it and make it pink.

  17. All of the options given should work but, I was also thinking if you dip a marker into the water it should change the color :) good luck

  18. Try Kool Aid.

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