
How would i?

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How would i become vegatarien of my family always has MEAT instead of vegetables we always always always have meat RED MEATS and red meats make u gain FAT and im getting flabby and so how would i stop eating it if my family mainly eats red meats AND can u drink milk as a vegetarian




  1. There's always the option to go pescetarian. It's pretty much vegetarian, but pescetarians include seafood in their diet.

    If you dislike seafood, then try bribing your family on making better life style choices.

  2. Get a job and buy your own food, otherwise you're kinda stuck with what is given to you.   Flabby has nothing to do with diet, but everything to do with your personal activity.

  3. say them that i am a vegatarien

  4. soy milk....very good! or if you dont want to cut it all out and just eat healthier go for a fat free skim organic far as the meat i would tell your family you want to eat differently....go for more fish and seafood...they should be me im 100 itlian and were always eating me and i was a vegatarian for the last 2 years i lived with them and my mom loved it she got to learn different ways and things to cook! (TIP: have her cook the steak but take off the beef fat,,,,put your tofu in the pan and render it in the fat it sounds weird but it will taste like the beef and is a good way to try new things!ENJOY!)

  5. Your not getting flabby because of the meat.  It's because you are eating too much of it and not getting enough exercise.  

    Being a vegetarian can be a great thing, but you still need to exercise when you are a vegetarian.

  6. First meat on its own will not make you fat (or flabby as you call it). Over eating and lack of exercise on the other hand will regardless of whether you eat meat or not. The existence of overweight vegetarians is evidence enough.

    Second, talk to your family first about the possibility of you being a vegetarian. Do some (unbiased) research and present to them facts that show being a vegetarian is not unhealthy (the most common argument you will hear is that you will be malnourished). "But I like to!!...." is not really a valid argument especially when made by a minor against her parents. It is likely to be answered by " because we said so,endof story... " But reference like "the diabetic association says...."  is more likely to be more credible and appear more mature thus meriting more serious attention. A childish approach is more likely to be met by an equally childish answer. A more mature approach is more; likely to be met by a more serious consideration. also be open minded and ready to listen to counter arguments.

    Third, if you are a minor living at home, then short of being actually physically or mentally abused, then you have to abide by your parents wishes. They will raise you as they see fit and no law will convict them as long as they are doing what is essentially legal and in their decision,  is in your best interests. If being a vegetarian at home is not possible at this time, then you will just have to live with it until such time when you can make the decision on your own. Remember, they don't have to support you but it is their responsibility to raise you in the best way they know how.

    Last, yes vegetarians can drink milk. They can in fact eat anything they want. There is no law that will convict them if they eat meat.milk,ish,cheese eggs,etc. They may lose the label but there is no real penalty by not being a vegetarian. A human is an omnivore and  a vegetarian is a human therfore also an omnivore. A vegetarian however, is an omnivore who simply chooses to eat plant foods exclusively

  7. Meat isn't the issue here.  The issue is what they eat with the meat and eating a balanced diet.  Meat alone isn't bad for you, it provides necessary proteins and fats for your body.  Yes you do need fat.  Lipids play a very important role in your cells.  What's ironic is though if you were to go vegetarian, chances are you might feel and look more bloated than you are now over the first few months.  Switching from a hamburger to veggie burger, you might not lose the protein, but you will got a lot of sodium.  Sodium will cause you retain more water and gain water weight.  Also, if you are increasing your sodium you better watch your sodium/potassium ratio.  This is very important to cell regulation.  If this ratio gets out of hand, it can lead to other problems.

    I would consider talking with your family and having them add a green vegetable or something to dinner.  Even switching from a white potato to a sweet potato is a start.  And manage your portions.  Even has a vegetarian, if you cannot manage portions you will gain weight.

  8. Well, you need fat and protein to survive. you can still eat it but prob not so much..u also need to salad or somthing w/ your meat so u eat less of it. but if you still want to be a vegetarian u can drink milk. if ur vegen then thats when u cant eat anything from an animal like eggs and milk and stuff....vegetarians only dont eat meat that comes from animals they can have milk and cheese. becuase they only dont eat meat because the meat that their eating came from something that someone killed a cow doesnt die when they milk it. So vegetarians still drink millk and stuff....sorry that might be a bit confusing.

  9. A vegetarian doesn't eat any animals.

    A vegan doesn't eat any animals or animal products- some are even so strict as to not eat honey or wear leather.

    As a vegetarian you would be able to drink milk, but would not be able to eat any sort of meat, including fish and chicken (why people think you can eat these and still be a vegetarian is beyond me).

    Essentially what you might have to do is go to your parents and tell them about your decision, and let them know how they can help to accommodate your diet. Maybe when they go out and buy hamburger meat, they could pick up some veggie burgers as well- they wouldn't even have to prepare anything differently! It's really not too tough- just tell your parents what you are doing and why you are doing it.
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