
How would you ask...?

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a friend if you could borrow her digital camera for 2 weeks to go on a trip? she tends to find an excuse when she wants to say no. so answers??




  1. They aren't that expensive anymore.  Why don't you buy your own?  You shouldn't pressure her.

  2. Well... it is her digital camera and 2 weeks is a while to go without one if she doesn't have another one.  Just look at how many people have asked about what they should do because they borrowed a friends camera and dropped it and now it doesn't work, or they got it wet, or they got sand in it, etc.  Is that a question you want to be asking in the future?  Offer to rent it from your friend and if something happens to it, you will replace it with exact camera or newer model if it is an older camera.  If that's not something you are willing to do, see about renting one.  Maybe you can buy one used off Craigslist or eBay for yourself.  It's much better to get a higher quality used camera than it is to buy a cheaper new camera.

    I'm guessing you might be kind of young, so you might need to get your parents help to do some of these things.

  3. I wouldn't ask a friend to borrow such an item, and put her in a position to have to say no if she wasn't comfortable with the loan. And, it's too risky for you too ... think how you might feel if you lost/damaged/broke it .... and you'd end up paying for repair/replacement or potentially lose a friendship.

    There are some very good and reasonable digitals around, so you might want to consider buying one for yourself. If you have a birthday due, maybe you have someone who might help towards it?

    Good luck and enjoy your trip.
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