
How would you describe British?

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watchin the tv last night had me baffled. What do you consider to be the things that you recognise as british? What does being British mean to you?




  1. id say its pretty loutish sometimes, often pseudo-left wing.

    Apparently we have a history of tolerance though, i mean, were not totally tolerant, but according to historians, we have on the grand scale of things, been kind of tolerant.

    lol except for the person above me!! ah well...i seriously have never heard anyone say that b4.

  2. To me it means it a great country  that's fitting for peace and justices around the world it loves its people no matter where they are from  the world should be British  and proud of it  

  3. Politeness

    Many English Dialects

    Cool Accents

    Nice Architecture and History

    English Arrogance

    Lots of prejudice

    Multi-cultural cities

    English tea



    English Premier League

    England, Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland and Ireland.

  4. I think what was British is no longer relevant as we have have multi culturism forced on us. We are more like America now.

    I wasn't particularly proud of our great empire history.  It was pretty sordid and shameful when you examine it and I don't think I am a better person just because I am British.  But I do think it unfair the extent of the immigration forced upon us.  I hated Margaret Thatcher, but she was right about not wanting to join Europe.

    I would say 'up the revolution', but it is too late.  Time for a cup of tea.

  5. British means nothing to me, anyone granted a passport can be British. I am indigenous English and a patriot despite Labours best attempts at eradicating any sense of national identity. I also reject the union flag and fly the white dragon of England.

  6. If you ask your question to a foreigner like me (I am Asian),

    I would say easier way to recognise is the language.

    Most of people in my country think all the Caucasians look same.

    If they speak their own language, it is easier to find out but even among

    English speaking Caucasians, I can recognise British people from their speech. Also British are not so friendly from the beginning (like Americans) and a little proud but mostly well mannered and have justice.

    This is only my impression but does it help?  

  7. I am a British Citizen and I would say that being british is about being loyal. If someone of a different nationality is being nasty about our britishness you should defend you country and be proud of where you came from.

    It also annoys me when I hear people talk say they are 100% English/British and yet they have no idea about their country. I can honestly say that 90% of my friends can tell me the date of American Independance Day or St Patricks Day but they can't tell me when St Georges Day/St Andrews Day is.

    Britain is a multicultural society in which people of every race/background can stand shoulder to shoulder and enjoy the things we share in life. Our total pathetic abilities at sports, our quite frankly idiotic government and our awful weather is what the majority of the world recognise about our nation, but I will always be the first in line to defend Britishness and British people.

  8. to me it means freedom in a multi cultural sociecty. it also means we have alot of options and help in life.

  9. What things do I recognise as British? Well, anything from Britain, obviously. What else is there?

  10. Decent, open minded and the things other people have said are British qualities.

    "Maybe it means to be decent and have style"

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