
How would you react.....?

by  |  earlier

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If your husband had just soaked his feet in a bowl of cold water and wanted to empty it in the kitchen sink!!!! To me, that's a no no. To him, quite normal! Am I being unreasonable? I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I think you have OCD.  Don't you ever clean your sink anyway?  Your poor husband...

  2. Yes. Totally unreasonable. I hope you didn't make a complete fool of yourself by having a barny about it. Chill out!

  3. God help you if there was a war....we all bathed in the same water in a tin bath....6 of us

  4. Haha, i wouldn't care.

    You can always bleach the skin afterwards if it bothers you.

  5. That sounds fine to me. You clean your sink periodically and wash dishes in it right?

  6. It's perfectly OK to empty such a bowl into the kitchen sink, provided he washes the bowl thoroughly and washes out the sink as well.  A sink is a sink, no matter where it is.  There's nothing special about a kitchen sink other than the fact that it's in the kitchen.

  7. It wouldn't bother me. As long as the washing up wasn't done in the same bowl.

  8. Yes you are being unreasonable.  I'd say you have a tinge of OCD.  Think of all the nasty c**p you put down your garbage disposal.  How gives a hoot about some dirty foot water?

  9. Let him get away with this and whatever next?

    Before you know it, you'll find him spitting in the bathroom sink!

    As you are the reasonable one, you have every right to implore him to swallow it in future!

  10. I agree that's not right. Just tell him your feelings about it. I'm sure he shouldn't have a problem just going to the bathroom to rid of his "cooties" :)

  11. rather than waste the water get him to pour it on the garden

  12. UGH no I'm a man's man but do that stuff outside or in the garage! Sheesh...

  13. there's always divorce when needed!


  14. That is gross and my Grandma would never even let us wash our hands in her kitchen sink.. For dishes only..

  15. Wouldn't bat an eyelid.

  16. Send the filthy 'young' man off to learn about good hygiene habits.......and yes. you are behaving very reasonably. One does not extend bathroom habits to the kitchen sink!

  17. men and hygiene dont mix. Just point him to the bathroom with a fixed hard knowing stare.

  18. yeah, ur being unreasonable.  do u want him to dump the water on ur head?

  19. I would yell at him,and tell him he was not brought up right......he could use the washroom,no matter how much you clean the kitchen sink you know as a woman,you always worry about it being clean,you have to cook from there,clean everything to eat and drink,and he want's to put that,no husband try the same things with me,but I stick to my guns,no matter what...good luck my dear,Iam still working on my husband after 14 years....

  20. that wouldnt bother me what so ever to be honest.

    i mean the only other place he could put it is downt he toilet.

    its not like his feet are discusting and full of germs or anything if you get me?

    theres probably been worse down your sink x*x

  21. no your not over reacting. Its gross! dishes go in the sink its not sanitary.

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