
How would you take this?

by Guest59049  |  earlier

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if someone said to you "i wouldn't mind putting you into the position" three times, how would you take that? i thought that pretty much meant i had this particular job, but i found out today, i was declined. i've known this boss for years...




  1. Who knows why you were declined for the job. The person who got it may be better qualified than you, want less money than you or may be the son of the CEO.  There are other circumstances here, but he may remember you if another position opens up (or this guy doesn't work out).

  2. I would take that to mean that he "wouldn't mind" giving you the position. However, it may not have been totally his decision, or there may have been someone more qualified for the job.

  3. maybe they wouldnt mind, but there might be someone above them that doesnt want you to get the job.

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