
Hows everyone in the F1 Section?

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i'm bored :( schools finished and i have quite of work to do as well :( lol




  1. Me I'm fine thanks.

    When I'm bored I go and do something that I haven't done before or haven't done in a long time.

    Have fun!

  2. .

    I'm ziPPy, pePPy, tiPPy-tOp, stRoLLin aLOng, siNGin a sONg, taLKin to the bIRds and haVinG a woNDerFul tiMe!!!

    Now go and do your homework, deferred gratification gets you nowhere...  :-)


  3. Im tickety boo thanks, how are you my friend, im just looking forward to a nice week in the sun.

  4. I'm hungry and it's hot...

  5. Fair to middling.

    It's Monday, not much more I can say!

  6. Just got back form work, knackered but fine thankyou!

  7. My daughter doesn't finish until Wednesday so she won't be bored until Thursday.

    I'm knackered from wandering round Castle Combe yesterday. I think I have a touch of sunstroke too because I forgot my hat. never mind eh, at least I know I had a good time. I look like a tomato at the moment:)

    Edit: Jeff Gordon's g*y, cheers for the b/a but believe it or not I do know who Jeff Gordon is. Don't know if he is g*y or not though. you'll have to look and see if he subscribes to the pink paper:)

  8. keep yourself busy, or have a vacation on a tropical island.

  9. I have the flu.

    My sinuses are killing me and my right eye hurts.

    I have a string of nightshifts (x4) starting from tomorrow.

    I have to give a talk next week and I'm nowhere near ready.

    I'm shattered about the race result in Hockenheim.

    Yeah, I'm feeling great!

  10. Hello top gear. I'm not to bad thank you, but my mum has been feeling a bit under the weather. I've been looking after her so I've not been on yahoo much. I'm hoping to take her somewhere nice and sunny for a week so we can relax a bit. Where ever we do go we have to make sure we can watch the race if its on.

    I will swap places with you, I would love to be in school again. enjoy your 6 weeks off and try not to drive your parents too mad by saying i'm bored more that 10 times in one hour

  11. yea i'am awesome had a very good month with Mclaren doing the double over Ferrari bit disppointed that the F1 Paddock Club Tickets haven't came out for Silverstone yet getting angry over that

  12. I'm well thanks, although back to work tomorrow, so not THAT well !

    How old it year 10 ?..... i'm so old I cant even remember !

  13. gettin on well

    good luk with GCSE's wen u go bak

    and hav fab birthday


  14. I'm cool. Just chilling. Hoping that there'll be more interesting questions appearing here soon.

  15. hi top gears biggest - hamilton the champ !!

    and my beer belly overhangs more than mr top gears

    fancy a spin in my reliant ?   my dad used to make the fibreglass bodies you know ?

  16. Lewis Hamilton

  17. Y10 rules. although it's alot of work.

    i'm very well, hope u r to.

    Am off into Y11 and am doin alright, y10 is coursework year so get it in.

  18. My feet are aching, and my head hurts.

    I really hate shopping with my friends, they try on everything in the shop before they buy only one thing.

    Is year 10 the year where you choose your options? If so what did you pick?

  19. I'm cool, working my @ss off in my new job (but wasting time online) and going to the gym most nights to work my other @ss off!

    Other than that, i'm good. Happy as the proverbial pig in faeces!

    What year will you be in when new term starts toots? (Just to make me feel REALLY old!!)


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