
Hunting in florida question.?

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I was wondering is there more of a chance I will get a hog in which of the following:

1) 1/2 day of hunting in a stand in South Florida on the west edge of Lake Okachobee

2) 1/2 day of hunting with dogs in South Florida on the west edge of Lake Okachobee

3) One whole day in North East florida with no real water around just a little creek, and this would be stalk hunting.




  1. number 2.

  2. The answer is number two- by using the dogs to locate the hogs, your odds of killing one will go  close to 100% If you enjoy hunting with the dogs, this is the way to go!

  3. Not really a fair question to ask.

    Have you hunted these areas before?

    Have you done any scouting before the hunt?

    What is the traffic pattern and regular hours the hogs are observed?

    Natural food source?

    Whoever has the stand you are talking about, what do they recommend?

    Or are you going into this hunt completely blind and expect the hogs to cooperate?

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