
Hurricane fay!? disney?

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me and my family are supose to be going to disney sunday (tomorrow) for a week, but we were undecided about still going, and we need some opinons..would you cancle the vacation, or still go?




  1. It's going to be Nasty.  Disney is shutting down.  Do you want to spend your whole vacation in the Hotel?  Best advice is to cancel your Disney Vacation and go somewhere close like Six Flags instead.  You'll save money too and not have the worry about your kids crying because they shutdown Disney.  Plus even without the Hurricane, Orlando is miserable in August.  But it's your choice.  Let us know how it works out for you.

  2. We were down the for Hurricane Charley a couple of years ago.  If only screwed up one day for us.  I wouldn't worry about it too much.  Many things to do inside in the Disney area

  3. Ok to the person that said disney will be fine to go to is insane!! I live in Orlando Florida also and they shut down all the theme parks during this time Fay is coming right through Orlando Florida and shows no  signs of weaken and their telling us to prepare and get food,batteries,flashlights ex: it has all ready been very nasty out tons of rain, When the hurricane fay comes through the winds will be70-90 plus and of course it's going right through Orlando their all ready talking about canceling schools here that day and that's the kids first day back. It's going to be Monday- wednesday It's been raining so bad here and it's only going to get worse the news said.

  4. I think you will be alright. Hurricanes lose a lot of their strength when they hit land, plus the whole resort is built to withstand very bad weather such as hurricanes. The worst that will likely happen is that the parks are closed for one day.

  5. If it were me I would cancel.  Besides the hurricane, FL is so nasty in August.  Why not come down during X-mas vacation when the weather is better and no threat of hurricanes?

  6. I live in  Orlando, and I've gone through dozens of these things, to be honest tropical storms and weak hurricanes really arn't as bad as thier cracked up to be, it's gonna be ugly out, so if you want to go to the beach or something you're def gonna have to find another time to come. But Disney should be fine, its no worse then the after noon thunderstorms we go through here every day anyway

  7. I think that you should still go. I live in Orlando. I really don't think it's gonna be that bad. I heard it might start at around 8pm but it's around 9:15 and it's still normal.

  8. I am going on monday :( if you are staying for a week it should be ok.. i hope it will pass through really fast though

  9. The storm will likely be gone by the end of Wed. If the parks are closed, it will only be for a day.

    And many people won't go, so you'll have an uncrowded park!

    It's very rare for hurricane force winds to hit as far inland as Orlando. Prior to 2004, the last hurricane to hit here was 1960.

    I would take he risk. At worst you'll lose a day.

  10. Your call..........think about could get could pass.......

    The latest model says Fay will travel up the center of the state and hit the Orlando area Mon/Tuesday.......I would cancel the trip............

  11. I am from England originally but work at Disney now, I haven't been here for long and I am going home soon (2 weeks) so I can't really say that I know much about hurricanes nor what its like to be in one but I think that you should still be alright to come, Disney have procedures in place which cast members are to implement should a hurricane arise, especially in the magic kingdom were I work, so lets just put it this way, if fay does reach Orlando then I hope I am at work when it does because its the safest place in the whole of Orlando to be ! if you concerns relate to the weather being bad then your out of luck because around this time of year it rains everyday lol so if you come during hurricane season you are guaranteed that not everyday will be good

  12. I've lived in Central Florida my entire life, and back in 2004 my area got hit by three hurricanes (Charley, Jean, and Frances) and Disney went threw them too, and is still standing. Disney will be fine, the employees know exactly what to do.

    If you're worried about going a certain day, the tickets if you buy them, are good for over a year, you can buy them one day, then go back six months later, but I would call the Disney World ticket offices just to be sure. I'm pretty sure that's how it is, I've performed in the Disney Christmas parade several times, and when they give me free tickets, they're good until the next December.

  13. I live in Orlando Florida and I heard that it is going to be a category one should it hit us and it most likely will, It hits tuesday at the earliest, you should still come because you will be able to enjoy the rest of the 6 days and it's not like there is a certain date that you must use the ticket.  good luck I hope you and your family still gets to enjoy Disney World You will believe me you'll have a blast! ;]

  14. Though I am not knowledgeable on the intensity of this hurricane, I would say do not risk it.

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