
Husband at fort benning for basic?

by  |  earlier

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his birthday is coming up and i was going to send him a card but before i do i was wondering are they aloud to have cards that sing or no ? I'm just wondering before i send him a card




  1. My husband went there for basic last year around this time. It depends some people are allowed to and some people arent. To be on the safe side send him something quiet and personal. Believe me while they are in basic they read their letters over and over again. My husband even slept with my pic under his pillow. Best of luck to the both of you. When you find out where he is getting stationed if its Fort Lewis  look me up. my email is Dont worry time flys as long as you write to them everyday and try to stay busy. God Bless the both of you.

  2. My boyfriend just went to Ft Benning for basic! He hasn't started training yet, so I can't write yet. But as I been told..if you were to send a card, that makes any doubt they will give him c**p for it! Which I think is a little dumb..but yeah..they say to just stick to letters only. When did ur husband go down there? My bf got there on the 19th, and he should start training on the 29th


    Please do not send him a singing card.  It will be an embarrassment to him and will end up either in the trash or on the Drill Sergeant's desk.

    Get a 3X5 card, write some "Happy Birthday" greetings on it, laminate it and fold it into a standard envelope.

    When he gets it, it will be personal.  He can fold it and place it in his pocket.  It will last awhile, and, when the Drill Sergeant ain't lookin' he can take it out and share a little piece of you.

    And please, no nudity or promise of him "knocking boots", "getting the skins" or teabagging or tossing the salad.  Keep that stuff for when he finishes because trust me, the Drill Sergeant will get it and, that too will be very embarrasing when you come to his graduation and wondering why everyone is looking at you.

  4. If you send your husband a singing birthday card, he will only see it while the drill sargeant stands over him.  The drill Sargent will more than definately make your husband push Fort Benning into the sea over and over while the drill sargeant opens and closes your singing letter.  After he is done pushing, your husband will be given a cupcake with one little candle and will stand before the company and sing happy birthday to himself.  It is not reccomended that you send him this singing card, send him a plain jane birthday card, this way he can hide it from the drill sargeants.

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