
Husband has no respect for family??

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I need alittle advice. Im so tired of my husbands disrespect towards my family. He had a pretty rough childhood, physically beaten most of his childhood. Well hes 40, and cant get past it. My family and I are very very close, including the extended family, and the family is huge. When we were dating, he wasn't around them very much. But now that we have a son and are married, hes around alot. He is very rude and disrespectful to them. He says he doesn't care what they think about him. I have talked to him numerous times about it. And he just doesn't see how its respectful to me. I love my family, and before him it was my family. I'm not going to push them away because he doesn't like the whole family thing. Because of his childhood, he hates families, besides his children. He will not show them any respect. He says very rude and hurtful things to them. They think hes the biggest a*****e in the world, because that's all they see of him. Its completely embarrassing and humiliating to me. And he will not let up. He wont get over it. It is so disrespectful to me, and he wont see it. He wont listen. They have been nothing but nice to him, and hes been nothing but rude. I'm completely embarrassed and hurt by it. How do I get it through his head how much hes disrespecting me, our son, and my family. He doesn't think its disrespecting me. But how isn't it? Thats my family, that I love dearly. And because of his childhood, not everybody in the world should have to deal with his anger. Im fed up. What do I do? Do I start blowing him off when there is family functions and not allowing him to come?? How do I get it through to him?? How do I make him realize how direspectful hes being towards me?? Help




  1. ok he doesn't see it. This is how he was being treated when he was a kid and hes never seen it from an outsiders perspective video tape a family interaction then show it to him. He also probably feels bad that your family is soo perfect in his eyes he wants there to be a little discord so he doesn't feel so bad about his own family. if the first idea doesn't work then blow him off tell him to stay home and do what he wants because you don't feel he will be nice to your family. he will eventually get it.

    good luck  

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