
Hydrogen powered car?

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how can i get a hydrogen powered vehicle? what parts do i need and how much would it cost with labor etc...

is there any way i can install it myself? its just that gas is so expensive i really cant afford to pay $4 a gallon




  1. because big oil people want to control hydrogen and until they can produce hydrogen filling stations on every corner they wont make it happen.GREED!!!!

  2. It's not a question of getting a hydrogen powered car it's where and how are you going to store the fuel?  Car engines will operate on hydrogen with little modification internally but will need some special parts at the intake manifold.  The upside is the exhaust is only water -woo hoo!

    Now for the downside: it's difficult to make on a scale necessary for the average homeowner.  Since I don't know where you live and what not I'm going to leave it with that.

    Now a better option if you're only driving the car to and from work etc. like less than 60 miles per day you should consider a 100% electric car.  The cost per mile is less than 1/10 of what it costs to operate a gasoline powered car.

    An electric conversion will run you anywhere from $10,000 on up depending on what type of system you require: speed, range etc.  It might be a good idea to do it yourself if you're inclined in case something breaks down you'll be the only one to fix it.

    I hope by the end of the year to be tooling around in my own electric car -woo hoo!!!

  3. There will not be a hydrogen powered car before 2015 and if you cant afford 4 dollar a gallon gasoline you won't be able to afford Hyadrogen which runs from 7 dollars a gallon if you make the hydrogen from cheap dirty coal or 12 dollars a gallon for solar made hydrogen, not to mention the required infrastucture, I would reccomend a plug in hybrid which are much more economical getting anywhere from 120mpg to 300mpg and will be available within the next 2-3 years, the aptera is a good one and starts production at the end of this year and some major car companies will follow after that two are the Chevy Volt and the Toyota plug-in Prius

  4. You'll pay far more if you switch to hydrogen.  Hydrogen is the most expensive alternative offered.

  5. Hydrogen cars are not a viable option.  Honda is going to sell a few in southern California, where there are some hydrogen fuel stations already in place.  However, the cars are going to be so expensive that they'll probably only sell them to celebrities.

    If you want a more affordable alternative option, try converting a diesel to run on waste vegetable oil:

    Or getting an electric car like the Green Vehicles Triac (first affordable highway speed EV, available in July):

    Other EVs:

    Electric cars are going to be the way of the future because there are some serious issues with hydrogen cars:

  6. u can only buy a hybrid like yaris and u cant really run a car purely on hydrogen

  7. I have been researching hydrogen for my car. you need a small tank to make the hydrogen, stainless steel and dc currant from your battery, positive and negative hook to the stainless steel (don't let the positive and negative touch.)put this in the tank, add water and 1 spoon baking soda and you are making hydrogen. From what I have read there is other things you need to add with the hydrogen to make it work great. The map sensor enhancer and 02 sensor extender.

    I suggest you look on youtube, search hydrogen and you will see some pretty cool things people are making.

  8. By the time you get finished researching--much less building--a hydrogen-powered vehicle you'll be delighted with the prospect of paying four bucks per gallon of gas.  There are two ways to get hydrogen: you can buy it in tanks from the welding-gas shop, or you can try making it yourself, which will probably cost as much.  There are no hydrogen wells; we get most of it from heating up natural gas until the carbon falls out.  

    You've probably been looking at pseudoscience videos about cars that make their own hydrogen and thus use water for 'fuel'.  These have been fascinating everyone who ever flunked a science test lately, because they almost work: they do indeed make hydrogen and oxygen, and the engine does indeed burn it.  The problem is that the engine has to work harder to produce the electric current for that water cell, and the net result is that the gas mileage goes down quite a bit.  

    To paraphrase Thomas Edison, who first made the remark about batteries capable of powering practical electric cars, hydrogen power is almost synonymous with fakery.  

    Gasoline is indeed expensive, but there are other alternatives for transportation, and it looks like we'll all have to change your arrangements somewhat.
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