
Hysterectomy and religion...?

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I am a Christian woman on my 5th pregnancy and I'm married-- 24yrs of age.

I am not wanting sarcastic answers or jabs at me for wanting to know facts.

For anyone who is a historian, clergy member, or doctor-- what do you know about having a hysterectomy and what different religions believe in correlation with that surgery? I've heard that it's not okay to have this because of leaving the world without your organs... sounds stupid, I know-- but since I don't know, I'm asking.





  1. EDIT after your edit: No, no, no. If you really know that your three kids are all the kids you ever want, have your husband have a vasectomy. It is quicker, easier and will leave him without problems - if he is okay with having it.

    I highly doubt any good doctor would "take it all out" during/after a C-section. A hysterectomy is quite a step and it definitely is a "proper surgery". There might be side effects, there will be pain, there will be blood. Actually, most women would perform salti in order not to have to undergo that type of surgery. It is certainly not meant as a means of contraception. If you sure you don't want any more children, let your husband do that step now that he already offered it. And/Or talk to your doctor about this - he will probably give you the same kind of advice. You can even have some of your husband's sperm "stored" - just in case you think there is any way you might change your mind in a couple of years. :)


    Congratulations on the new baby.... all the best. :)

    No religious background whatsoever should stop anybody from getting necessary surgery done, that said first. Hysterectomies are only done when it's necessary - such as after a cancer diagnosis. They can also be done in order to prevent malignancy if the cancer hasn't spread as far yet. Altogether, they are not being done lightly.

    I cannot tell you about other religions, but I take it Christianity is most important for you anyway. It surely doesn't forbid you to get one done.

    You always have to consider the fact that the Bible was written at a time when such surgeries were simply beyond the reach of anybody's imagination. Therefore, there simply cannot be a Biblical view on hysterectomies. :)

    As for leaving the world without organs - our priest here even encourages people to get organ donor cards. It is, after all, a way of "loving thy neighbour", isn't it?

    I seriously hope you are not consider getting one done "voluntarily" as a way of contracepting?! That would be taking things way too far, in my humble opinion. Surgeries like this one present a risk and should only be undergone when necessary. Talk to your doctor about the countless alternatives if that is your reason for asking.

  2. Are you thinking about having a hysterectomy to prevent future pregnancies, or is there some other medical reason why you'd like to have one?  It seems as though it would be much simpler, safer, and healthier to just get your tubs tied, rather than taking everything out.

  3. Hi there,

    You mentioned that you're a Christian so I'm tailoring my response to you that there is nothing in the New Testament to indicate that having a hysterectomy (or appendectomy, etc) is against God's will.

    I don't remember enough about the Old Testament to say one way or another.  I have heard some things that there are faiths that believe you must not die without all your organs, but I don't know specifically which faith that is - perhaps if you REALLY want to know that some keyword searching online would get the answer for you.  

    It sounds like you are wondering about a hysterectomy for yourself from the things you mention - 5th pregnancy, 24 years old.  If you are a mainstream Christian, then please take the freedom you have in Christ to make the right decision for your life.  Do not be swayed by silly arguments like "you must not have body parts removed in order to get to heaven" because that is a theologically unsound idea.  While people may not like the idea of having an organ removed, that is a personal opinion and has no place being taught as Christian doctrine.  

    God has given you a sound mind and free will and with them you can make choices for your life that are appropriate.  If you feel that a hysterectomy might be right for you, then the next step is talking to your husband and/or your doctor.

    Your best bet would be to contact a theology professor at a college or university with this specific question if you are not actually wondering for yourself and just a little bit curious.

  4. I would check with my pastor or religious leader to see what your denomination says on this.  If it is done for medical reasons its between you are God.  I personally  see nothing wrong with it.  Some ultra conservative denominations may frown on it.

  5. Christian - Protestant, nothing at all wrong with having necessary surgery.  God doesn't care if you die with or without all your organs.  I don't know about other religions.  I needed an ovary removed and didn't think twice.  God doesn't want you to suffer and you leave your earthly body behind any way.

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