
I'd like a tropical fish!?

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Hi! I was thinking of buying one fish for a pet. I want a really pretty fish. Do you have any suggestions, like an angelfish maybe? Care tips would be nice also. Thanks so much!




  1. I LOVE TIGERLILY FISH! They are really pretty to me. My friend has a blue and black striped one.  Sorry I don't have any care tips!

  2. Betta's they are so pretty i like half moon Betta's i have a Betta and he is so cute when he gets excited.and all you have to do is clean their tank only like once a week and feed him/her-guys are way prettier

  3. Siamese fighting Fish are gorgeous. They are easy to look after because i have one myself. I have one called Rocky, its pink, purple and blue.

    Do not put any other fish in with siamese. If you would like any care tips contact me. via email.

    One tip before you buy a fish. When you clean your water never take it all out because fish need their old bacteria to survive. if you take it all out it will die. Thanks


  4. Neon tetras are small and clean, but do better in a school of ten or more. Betta fish are good on their own and if you put two males together they will fight to the death byut two femals together are fine and bettas do not need large tank, A 1 gallon tank is just fine for one betta. Guppies are great too they are small and school too.  

  5. Angelfish is ugly. Buy flowerhorn, it is the prettiest tropical fish as well as most valuable fish in market. Every one of them has a different pattern and males have bigger hump, female flowerhorn has small or totally no hump. They are very active and fun fish to keep. You can feed it as much as it eats, this fish cannot be very fed.

    Flowerhorns are very hardy and aggressive fish that can only be kept alone, since you are thinking of buying one fish, i would suggest you to get flowerhorn.

  6. i would suggest an angel fish.

    they're beautiful. sometimes hard to handle.

    but ive never had a problem with them.

    check them out. :D

  7. get an albino angelfish  there beautiful

  8. Beta fish. only buy one though, cuz they might eat each other otherwise. and dont put them anywhere near each other if you have them in seperate bowls. they are really pretty, and rainbow colored. i used to have one. you can put them in the same with any other fish, except other betas.

  9. Male Beta fish are gorgeous. They come in many different colors. I have had several over the years...

  10. buy a couple neon tetras

    there community fish there usually down at the bottom

    put buy 3 or more so they'll feel safe

  11. humuhumunukunukuapua. jk its probably too big. maybe a tiger fish

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