
I'm 15 and pregnant...?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry about the tittle but it seems like no one wants to answer questions unless it's super interesting like a 15 year old being pregnant.

Please help me....

Im never late.... please help me?

My last AF was 08/03/08 I'm on a 28 day cycle (ALWAYS) and never later. I'm two days late and I took a HPT last night and it was negative. I'm only seeing a brownish-pinkish dishchard only when I wipe but no regular flow. Should I test again? I'm a little gassy (so sorry TMI). We are TTC for 6 months now... :-)




  1. it might be late

    so are you 15?

  2. leave it a few days and then take the test again

  3. I think you should wait a week and test again.  You might be having late implantation bleeding.  We don't always ovulate right in the middle of our cycles, so it's possible that you just ovulated late and that's why your tests aren't showing yet.

  4. Wait a week befor you test. relax you probably aren't pregnant. If you are dont consider an abortion. it is a life that you will cherish. my girl was 16. now we have a son that brightens our day. if your afraid about your parents, we were too. but now every thing is alright. and believe me her mom was the last person we told she was pregnant she found out when she was 5 month. anyway chill and hope for the best.

  5. leave it a few days and test first thing in the mornin with the first pee of the day which is the strongest.

    Good luck

  6. I would wait a few more days and test again.  You may just not have enough HcG in your system yet.  GOOD LUCK!

  7. go the doctor then you;ll be 100% sure

  8. You are only two days late, even though this is not common for you, I would wait a 2/3 more days if I were you.  The pregnancy hormone in your blood (HCG) must be at 50 or higher to register on a home pregnancy test.  Give it 2 more days at least and try again.  A more accurate way would be to go to your doctor and have a blood test done.  They can read much lower levels of HCG than a home test can.  Good luck, my fingers are crossed for you!

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