
I'm Addicted To Fast Food?

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I have to admit I have a problem. In fact i've admitted it before and yet continue to Fast Food on an almost daily basis. Last night I ate a large order of chili cheese fries from the local burger joint and the day before ate McDonalds twice! Once at lunch and again at night.

If we go back further we can easily include Del Taco, Taco Bell, Olive Garden, etc....All still within this week!

Right now is morning and am not hungry, so don't crave much...

But its interesting and haunting that when the afternoon and even night hours roll by I begin to not mind if I eat a cheeseburger. The problem is this reoccurs everyday and obviously is not good for me.

It makes me feel sluggish and feel like I can't perform my best...but the fast food itself does satisfy me for a while.

But this is a problem since I burp a lot now and just can't seem to stop eating fast food. Healthier foods don't fill me up...most likely since all these burgers are filled w/ protein.

I feel like i'm in 2 different mindsets. The first is now when I don't have to eat something unhealthy but as I get hungry and the day continues, my mind begins to crave fast food no matter what the cost. And this is very true since my budget would be about $100 a month on fast food a while back.




  1. You can still go to those fast food places, and trick your mind by ordering healthy. Like salads at McDonalds.

  2. ok well being addicted to fast food is bad..u can get diabetes and u can get fat..I love fast food...but I used to have it everyday because my dad didnt know how to cook, so he gave us mcdonalds everyday..and then we cutted it down to once a week and we would call it fast food friday or sometimes when Im with my friends I go to starbucks and stuff.y dont u treat ur self to once a week??

  3. cut back, having a fast food addiction can lead to problems.


  4. Wean yourself off the stuff and just have some fast food once a week as a treat.

    Eat regular healthy meals to avoid you becoming hungry & craving the fast stuff.

  5. Shame on you lol

  6. I can totally relate to healthy foods not seeming to fill you up when you are used to always feeling full on junk food.  You can feel fuller though if you are balancing healthy foods properly and if you start exercising more, you wont feel as hungry too.  Since you are spending so much money anyway, maybe you could invest in hiring a professional nutritionalist to help you to understand how to eat a more balanced diet of healthy foods, or just do some research on your own.  I have to be honest though.. exercise has been the key for me.  Keeping busy is really the only thing that keeps my mind off of food.  

  7. It is an easy thing to do. I know I live in the "Got to have it now"era.

    I also enjoy eating out all the time. Lucky for me I have kids and a wife. So when we go eat out,it usually is costly. Usually 30.00 dollars

    a whack. So after awhile you tell yourself only on a special ocationwill I eat out. Usually we eat out so much that we get tired of eating out and go back to cooking at home also.

  8. im same

  9. I am also addicted to fast food and it's a horrible thing. Try cooking things yourself. 'It's definitely more healthy and it made me stop eating out so much.

  10. I think willpower comes into this alot.I know it's not as easy as it sounds but you'll find if you cut out all the c**p you'll feel so much better.Both mentally and psychically,its amazing how different you feel once you start eating healthier.Maybe you should test yourself,if you start eating healthy foods for about 8 weeks or so,I can guarantee you wont be craving any of those nasty foods that make you tired.Its all up to you though.Good luck!

  11. It's a myth that people crave fast food. You just don't know how to cook your own food. I'm not talking about heating up TV meals. Even Hamburger Helper is a great head start to cheaper, healthier meals. You just get so much more food. You can spend 5 dollars and get a great meal that may last two days if it's just you eating it. With fast food and TV meals, you're paying for the labor to cook the food, along with costs and profit of the enterprise. With homemade food, you get a lot more for the same money. You feel satisfied. You obviously wouldn't crave fast food as much because you wouldn't be hungry. If you spend 5 dollars on fast food, you would get a burger, fries and a drink. Even stuff like Chinese food doesn't yield that much food for $5 dollars. So you stay hungry, or pay as much as $20 to be satisfied a day. The perceived addiction is really just hunger.

    Buy chicken nuggets and heat them up in your oven or microwave. It saves money and fills you up.

    Good luck!

  12. im a college student and fast food was my new best friend. id go late night 2am just to go to jack in the box. fast food was amazing. i was addicted to it. i had to have it everyday. i gained about 10 pounds in 4 months. the results of it were so vivid.  

    i was addicted, i truly was. so in order to stop this obsession i had a budget. id only spend 25 dollars a week on fast food. this included restaurants and fast food joints. as weeks progressed my craving for it died down. currently im still overweight however i can most of the time control my cravings for fast food. i only eat it probably twice a week. i hope this helps. good luck

  13. There won't be a quick solution to this problem. I can only imagine how high your sodium & cholesterol levels must be.

    But what if you made fast food menu items at home. Make your own burgers, fries, nuggets, milk shakes, etc. You'd save hundreds. Over time you can switch over to healthier alternatives (turkey burgers, baked potatoes, grilled chicken sandwiches.) You have to admit, grilled burgers & dogs taste so much better than fast food. You should also learn to refine your palate. Try new herbs & spices instead of having food that's slathered with sugar laddened ketchup or high calorie mayo. Eventually you will long for higher quality food instead of the overprocessed c**p from fast food joints.

    Make a plan. Say one day a week, plan to have home made meals or go to a fine dining restaurant (say Capital Grille, not Olive Garden.) I say, if you're going to eat out at least consume high quality food. Then week by week, increase your meal making by a day.

  14. well me too its hard because it just tastes so darn good

  15. Cut back, don't necessarily cut it out at first. After a while, you'll slowly be able get full on healthy foods if you combine the two at first.

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