
I'm Agnostic so What!?

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Alright recently I had a ex-GF that broke up with me and before we broke up I told her I was agnostic shortly after she broke up with me and is now telling everyone. WHile it isn't bothering me pepole know it's like she thinks I'm some freak. WHy do pepole act like this and is ingnoring them good enough are should I do something more? and why is she acting like this about it?




  1. That just shows her maturity level (which really doesn't seem to be very high). Religion is a very personal chose, and it's up to a person to find their own beliefs.

    Don't let her make you feel down- just because you two don't share the same beliefs doesn't mean it's ok for her to make you feel like a freak.

    Be happy that her true colours came through before it got really serious between you guys!

  2. so what she is saying is that if you guys were together you're a Sinless Catholic Holy Priest like man..but now that you're not your nothing but a Hethan?

    wow...she sounds like a jerk..

    I hate people that tell me what religion I am based on "their" moods.

    Why do some people think they have any say in if we are going to h**l or not? that is my say...

    I know exactly where I am going after death,,I am being reincarnated into a butterfly,,a blue one...

  3. If she is a religious nut, it should be expected for her to have such a reaction.  I equate it to when someone tells a kid Santa Claus isn't real... they run to get affirmation of their deep-held, albeit illogical, belief.  

  4. Because for the most part the religious right thinks it is better than the liberal left.  

  5. You mean she thinks the epistemological position of rejecting gnosis or new knowledge arrived at by means of revealed mystical truth makes you a freak?  So she thinks gnosticism is defined as normality?  Or did you use agnostic in an ontological sense in which case she may have a point?

  6. You're an agnostic what? Atheist or theist?

    In any case, a lot of people have ill misconceptions about atheists and most people who say they are agnostic are atheists. So if you're an agnostic theist instead then tell her if you wish. I don't agree with it, but likely she'll "accept" you more. But by that point it doesn't matter... she's not worth your time either way. Not with that attitude.

  7. Just saty calm, if people ask you tell the truth, explain what it means, they'll see how crazy she is.

  8. You're outed. Kinda sux to be you but be a stand up guy, let her throw her little hissy fit and just ride it out. If you're not kicking puppies and stuff then people will see that you're ok and if they don't then move to N.Y. or San Fran or something.  

  9. Don't know it's hardly Christian, maybe you should point this out to her.

  10. it's obvious that you have commitment issues.

  11. choose side flower boy!

  12. The Bible teaches that Christians should only "be yoked" to other Christians. That means having a deep interdependent, intimate relationship should be between believers. So if your ex is a Christian she shouldn't have gotten into a BF/GF relationship with you in the first place. And perhaps she came to realize that. I hope that doesn't sound like I'm slamming you some how. I'm only trying to explain where she could be coming from.

    It's hard to say if she's gossiping about you or just explaining why she broke up. Why don't you ask her?

    If you really want to know the answer to "so what" check out

  13. I'd ignore it unless someone brings it up in conversation. It sounds like you're better off without that chick.

  14. Only christians behave like that, it comes from gross arrogance, I've found.

  15. Unfortunately she sounds like the usual Christian -

    self-righteous, deluded, hypocritical, ignorant (the list goes on)

    i think you had a lucky escape.

    she has obviously been brought up to think people who do not share the same beliefs are her are freaks, i blame the parents.

  16. You must live in a heavily Christian town or something.  To them, being Agnostic means you will be damned to h**l for all eternity.  And to do so willingly makes you sound like some kind of freak.

    Ignore it.  The first rule in Christianity is not to be judgmental, which of course, all of these people are doing.

    Even if you are a doubter about the Bible, you're better off living it on your own terms than being a hypocrite.

  17. Religion can do that. Good nuff' you stay away.

  18. Us Agnostics are the only ones who will admit the truth, which is...

    We don't know what the h**l is going on, and...neither do you!"

  19. Just remove their heads and force feed their raw, steamy entrails to the *****.

  20. You could send her an e-mail telling her to please stop what she is doing (nicely).

    Some people are just jerks.
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