
I'm SO sad...?

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I want a pair of male rats more than anything in the world, but my dad says no. I've bought 2 books on them, I've done HOURS research, I wrote a 9 page essay on rats and why I think I deserve one, I made a list of everything they would need on PetSmart, and I've even had my mom talk to him, but he still says no. Whenever I talk about it with him, he gets mad and threatens to take away cheerleading from me. The saddest part is that I've been asking for months, and my B-Day is tomorrow, and he still says no, and that's the only thing that I truly want for my B-Day, and when I told him that, he said, "Well, then you won't be getting very many presents this year." (sorry that was a really bad run on sentence) He won't even tell me why he won't let me. omg, I feel like bawling my eyes out! Are there any last resorts? Thanks. : (




  1. buy them and hide em........ lol i did that with a turtle and my mom found it and let me keep it

  2. Have a friend take you to the store and get them anyways.

    What can he do if you already got them?


  3. Sit down with your dad ask him why; Is it an issue with trust, or an issue witht he pet themself?

    Explain to him that you are responsible, and care, if he wanted to see you happy, or learn something, let you get pet rats; Try to see if you can find a pair that need rescuing and tell him that you're doing something severely unselfish.

    Or (No offense) it could be your dad is a control freak, and doesnt want anything he cant control very well, or feels threatened by another member in the house? idk, he seems very difficult.

    Or like some of the others said, get the rat without him knowing, and keep it from him

    Or give him two options, (this is being difficult, hehe) He either gets you two boy rats, or you stop being good at school, or something. Lol.

  4. Wow a male cheerleader, you go boy!

    Well, I don't know your father and I certainly don't know the reasoning behind his refusal to buy 2 rats - both male.

    Could there be underlying issues with his son being g*y, and his wanting to buy 2 male rats?

    If that isn't the issue, then I would recommend acting really mature, and ask him what would it take for him to change his mind.  If he says nothing, negotiate some good grades in return for purchasing those rats.

    Or just deal with it.
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