
I'm addicted to coconut?!?!?

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im so addicted to coconut ..i bought a real coconut yesterday and i was so excited but when i cracked it open it tasted like **** anybody know any good cocnut recipies or any ideas what can calm my crazy cravings?? i love grated coconut in heavy syrup but cant eat it by itself!




  1. Coconut is great. I never had a real one before. I have gotten a large bag of shreded coconut and did not know how to use it properly. I made up my own. I made brownies, put dark chocoloate frosting and sprinkled the coconut on it. It was good but the coconut was dry. I found out later that if you use it that you have to soak it in oil.

    So now that I know better how about almond joy brownies? Get a brownie mix and add chopped almonds to it. When done and cooled put on chocolate fronting then sprinkle coconut on it.

  2. I love coconut too! I found a thing called ANZAC biscuits. its like a coconut cookie, but it was made in Australia so they call it a biscuit.

    SERVES 36 , 3 dozen



        * 1 cup flour

        * 1 cup sugar

        * 1 cup oatmeal

        * 1 cup coconut

        * 1/2 cup butter (melted)

        * 2 tablespoons corn syrup

        * 1 teaspoon baking soda

        * 1/4 cup water




          1. Mix first four ingredients.



          2. Make a well in the center, add the butter and syrup.



          3. Dissolve soda in water add to well and mix.


          4. Spray cookie sheets with cooking spray.

          5. Drop by spoonfuls cookie sheets.





         6. Bake 350' 8-10 minutes.

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