
I'm average as freshman?

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Well I'm 13 going into 9th grade(I started school a year earlier and I'm in all honors classes, so it happens) and I'm an average volleyball player with the other girls who are 14, some turning 15. I was B team starter in both middle school years. I want to really work hard to impress the coaches as a hitter and try to get on JV, cause I'm pretty confident that I'll at least make freshman. The coach always puts me as a setter, and I'm a horrible setter so when I play as that I look like I suck. What kind of things should I work on to perfect my hit to impress the coaches as a hitter, not setter? I'm also only 5'5, so what height would I have to be able to jump to?





  1. no matter what u have to learn how to set. in order to be a good player u have to be good all around. you cant just do one thing youre part of a team. the point is.. practice on setting because thats really important. in freshmen and jv teams serving is the main reason y u win and lose games

  2. Don't worry if your too short.  In my team, we had a girl who was like 5 2 and she was a great great setter!  It doesn't matter about height, but about skills.  Maybe your coach feels like you'll help the team more by being a setter.  Your coach knows what she is doing, trust in her.  I know what you are going through because I'm also a great hitter but I'm about to become a setter to help out my team (we are in lack of setters).  Don't be selfish.  If that's the only way your coach is putting you in, then take advantage of it.  Practice hard at your position and try to be the best setter that you can be!  Don't discourage yourself saying that you aren't good at being setter.  It takes time and if you put your effort in it, i guarantee you that you'll be a great setter in no time...

  3. 5'3 is to short to be a hitter most hitters are probably 5'7 or more u would need to have one heck of a verticle jump to hit

    i know how it feels im only 5'1'' nd loved to hit also but i worked on being a defensive specialist so u can try that cuz u prob wont be hitting at varsity ever being only 5'3''

  4. Build your arm strength by doing push ups, my coach always said thats how you get a better serve and spike. You can do the wall push ups and spike the ball to the wall for like 10 minutes everyday. I did all of this and I got MPV this year!!! Don't worry to much just try your best, and the coaches will believe you are a hard worker!!!

  5. The net is 7 feet 4 inches, so be able to jump 7'8'' so you can spike the ball down. Also, you can practice throwing a tennis ball down

  6. if you are very confident in your hit and strength work on your snap and vertical... try to find a center that has strength classes.... in the mean time approach your coach 1 on 1 and inquire why he is putting you as a setter..... he might think you are a good setter.... he also might be putting you there because he has no other setters... be assertive but as polite as possible.... and if he is set on you being a setter try to compromise and ask about possibly becoming a right side hitter???

  7. although height is key and your vertical is important, the coaches will be more satisfied with your swing.  a girl on my team is 5'5 and she's our OH and she doesn't necessarily jump over the net, but her swing always smacks the ball.

    if you don't want to play as a setter, talk to the coaches, tell them you want to be a hitter.  with your height, i'd say OH is a better bet than right side.

  8. practice your jump and your hit. and your serve

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