
I'm beautiful but not pretty...?

by  |  earlier

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My Boyfriend told me that i have inner beauty

But i'm not really pretty???

does that make any sense at all?

I'm not saying that i need to be called pretty

but that felt like a slap in the face.

- i feel he trying to put me down,

because slowly i feel my confidence seem to fade away.




  1. your both :) ur bf is blind. now do mine;...

  2. your boyfriend is high off his a s s!!

  3. Boys are stupid. (Trust me, I am one.)

    Looking at your pictures, your boyfriend doesn't have any idea what he's saying.

    And don't let this damage your confidence cause your hot.

    If you were single, I'd date you.  

  4. you are pretty guys do that its like they dont want you to get a big head and leave them.

  5. ur tottttally gorgeous i dont know what hes smoking

  6. Don't listen to him hun, you are very pretty, but you know its also amazing that you have inner beauty as well.

  7. i know ur pretty reallly pretty

    those arent good pictures tho

    love ur hair alo and stuff

    what he means

    is that he likes you for who u are

    and even if another guy thought u were like hunchback of notre dame he would still like you

    lol of course im not saying u look like hyunchback

    but u noe what i mean lol

    ur pretty dont worry

    just ignore what he said

    it doesnt mean a thing

  8. id tap it

  9. Omg you look amazing. I don't think he meant that as a insult though. He just is saying that he will love you no matter what you look like.

  10. lol i think you are pretty but he could of just said the wrong words and it came to bite him in the ***. It does kinda sound like a cheap shot so i see how you are a little upset ask him about it or just let it go for now.

  11. it's not a put down. he loves you for who you are not because of what you look like

  12. no homo but u are very pretty

  13. no don't be with a person that makes you feel bad. your cute and inner beauty is such a turn on there are so pretty woman with the worst personality's you could ever imagine. if meet some so finding someone that is just as beautiful in and out is the hardest thing to find. if he cant  see that leave him.

  14. Something is wrong with this guy.  I think you look very good (hot).  Some men put their girls down to bring their confidence down so that they can control the relatioship better by making it seem like they are doing you a favor for being with you.  Please, never give in to this behavior since like you said, it is already bringing your confidence down.  I dont think this boyfriend of yours is deserves to be with you.  Also, dont let anyone bring you down.  Dont let you confidence fade, once it does, you are at the mercy of everyone else.  Be strong and think positive of yourself.  You do look good and I am pretty sure you also have a very nice inner beauty.  

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