
I'm competeing in a pageant...?

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I'm competeing in Miss teen Minneapolis.

have you competed in it, or one like it?

what do I need to know?

what do I need to practice?





  1. practice walking.. take some modeling classes

  2. Practice singing? Dancing? Baton twirling? Playing the spoons? Practice walking down stairs in a gown? Practice saying, "I want world peace!"?

    Or did you mean something else?

  3. I competed in a beauty pagent. Remember to smile brightly, walk tall, chin up. Remember, you are the most beautiful thing on the stage (even when you think you aren't) and you want the judges to know that as well! Best of luck, love!

  4. practice your walking, your smile, your poise and posture make sure you know your talent routine better than you know the back of your hand. Make sure while on stage talk clearly and do not mumble! hope you do well! best of luck!


    Miss Teen East Coast 2008

  5. practice walking with a crown precariously perched on your head and applying waterproof mascara

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