
I'm crazy about this girl..?

by  |  earlier

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Words can't describe how much I love her, I just love every last thing about her, but the thing is I'm not in with the guys at school who see themselves as the cool ones because they clown around in class. I used to be in their clique but I decided I didn't want to mess around and what not so I hung around with some other guys who don't mess around but now most people in the other clique don't like me so I'm worried that if I ask the girl out or I make a move or something they will try and put her off me becvause they're a******s like that. help




  1. Don't worry about those guys and hopefully this girl can see that they are jerks anyway. Try and keep it low key asking her out so the guys in the clique don't make a big deal about it. If this girl is really all that great she will see through all the popularity and whatever and she will go out with you, if not she's not worth it and you should oinvest your time in a girl that will respect you for who you are not who you hang out with. Good Luck and you sound sweet so I think she would be a fool to say no to you (even with those a******s putting her off). :)

  2. I 'm tell you this (I am going to be very frank) if you want the girl take the chance and **** them motha *******. Do what you got to do and get your girl because if she smart they ain't gone beable to stop you from getting her.  So go get your girl.  

  3. i like this girl as well no not yours,but i am really nervous of seeing her again......

  4. If your worried about the guys making fun of you then you need to approach the girl when there not around. pass her a note with your number on it and tell her you have to talk to her about something after school. when she calls just explain the way you feel and tell her you did not want to be inturped at school about talking to her. it should work out

  5. if u really do lik het u wouldnt care wat people think so try ur best to not let people put u down nd tell her that u really lik her nd wat u think those other people would say nd i think she will understand wat u mean

  6. Lets hope that you get the one you like.

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