
I'm deciding to go vegetarian?

by Guest61522  |  earlier

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I was wondering how to get protein since I won't be eating meat anymore, I've had many thoughts of all the chemicals/hormones that are put in the animals these days, it just grosses me out, but yeah, any suggestions for protein?




  1. nuts

  2. Peanut butter is a great source of protien as well as eggs, legumes, beans, and stuff like that.

  3. r u becoming a vegan? if so, then the only way u can get protein is by taking pills/vitamins. If ur just a regular vegetarian, u can eat fish, or drink milk, eat eggs, OR you can eat Tofu. Thats an vegetarians subsitute for meat.

  4. you need to eat peanut butter, beans, tofu, those are foods you have to eat for getting ride of the proteins and things you dont get from just veggies and friuts, i love being a vegitarian, and i love that im not eating anything with a face!



  5. As is the case with meat-eaters, eating a wide variety of foods is the key to having a healthy, balanced diet. This approach is particularly true for vegetarians because, apart from a few foods such as tofu, hempseed and 'grains' such as quinoa, most plant food proteins have a low content of one or more of the essential amino acids needed by the body (you can think of these as the building blocks of proteins). By eating a variety of plant proteins, you can optimise your protein intake. The body is very clever at balancing complementary amino acid levels from various vegetables, cereals, pulses, nuts and seeds.

    What to eat every day

    If all of this sounds like we're blinding you with science, here's a quick summary of what you need to eat every day if you're a vegetarian, from the Vegetarian Society:

        * 4 or 5 servings of fruit and vegetables

        * 3 or 4 servings of cereals/grains or potatoes

        * 2 or 3 servings of pulses, nuts and seeds

        * 2 servings of milk, cheese, eggs or soya products

        * a small amount of vegetable oil, margarine or butter

        * some yeast extract that has been fortified with vitamin B12

    Find out more about nutrition.

    Find out how to make sure you get enough protein.

    Guide to vegetarian proteins

    Here's a quick run-down of foods that are high in protein, as well as a few suggestions on how to make the most of them.

    Dairy products

    Dairy: milk, buttermilk, condensed milk, evaporated milk, goats' milk, cream (single, double, whipping), crème fraîche, smetana, soured cream, yoghurt (plain, flavoured, Greek-style), butter, ghee, cheese

    Image: Cheese

    Dairy products are an important source of calcium as well as protein, but be careful not to overdo it on cheese by making sure you eat plenty of pulses too. Vegetarian cheese - cheese made using a non-animal rennet - is now widely available, so look out for the words 'suitable for vegetarians' on the packet, the Vegetarian Society's logo - or ask if you're buying from a cheesemonger.


    As well as hen eggs, look out for quail eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, turkey eggs and gull eggs. Many vegetarians who eat eggs will insist on free-range eggs.

    Grains, rice and cereals

    Grains: Wheat (whole, cracked, bulgar, flakes, bran, germ, semolina, couscous), amaranth, buckwheat, barley, farro, corn (or maize - sweetcorn, popcorn, polenta), millet, sorghum, oats, rye, quinoa, wild rice

    Image: Rice

    Rice: white and brown rice, white and black sticky rice, white and brown long-grain rice, basmati rice, white short-grain rice (also known as pudding rice), Thai fragrant (or jasmine) rice, red rice (eg. Camargue), Italian risotto rice (arborio, carnaroli, vialone nano), calasparra, Valencia (paella) rice

    Grains and cereals go well beyond bread. Find out more about grains and cereals and get creative in the kitchen.

    Nuts and seeds

    Nuts: almonds, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, coconuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, sweet chestnuts, walnuts

    Seeds: poppy, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, linseeds (flax seeds)

    Linseeds (flax seeds) are a particularly good source of an essential fatty acid (called a-linolenic acid) that is important to proper nerve function and can help reduce the symptoms of arthritis and heart disease.

    Find out more about nuts and seeds.


    Peas, beans, lentils

    Use super-nutritious pulses - fresh, dried or canned - as the basis for a huge range of satisfying dishes. Find out more about pulses.

    Soya products and mycoproteins

    Miso, soya, tempeh, textured vegetable protein (TVP), tofu (beancurd) and mycoproteins

    Products made from soya are incredibly versatile - as well as high in protein. Find out more about soya and mycoproteins.

    Wheat protein

    Image: Stir-fry

    A useful ingredient for vegetarians and vegans is wheat protein, sometimes called seitan, which is derived from wheat gluten (the protein part of flour). The gluten is extracted from wheat and then processed to resemble meat. It is more similar to meat in texture than either textured vegetable protein or mycoprotein and is used as a meat substitute in a range of foods. It tastes like meat, too. It is naturally low in fat and can be roasted, baked stir-fried, stewed or in sandwiches. Look out for it in health food stores.

    To find recipes based on these ingredients and others, search the thousands of recipes in our recipe database, after ticking the 'vegetarian' box.

    hope this helps


  6. dont eat "lots of salads". that is not protien.

    eat eggs and nuts and veggi meats, such as the Morningstar Farm brand (that is my favorite brand of imitation meat) and tofu (tastes GREAT mixed into lasagna or a rice dish) and you'll be fine. make sure you dont overdo it on the protein though. just eate a balanced diet, adding in these Vegetarian Essentials, and you'll be good! Congrats on going Vegetarian!

  7. I Have been vegetarian since i was 10 and im 17 now.

    I Have to say most of my protein comes from is tofu.

    Sounds gross huh? Well if you cook it with something the tofo will have the flavor and its yummy!

    I must also say Beans do give off alot and you need them once your vegetarian.

    Almonds, Cashews, Filberts, Hemp Seeds, Peanuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts (black)

    All of those work.

    Also You can take vitamin supplements too.

  8. Soy is the best source of protein available to people who are going meatless.  You can eat tofu, soy beans, soy milk, and soy nuts for starters.

  9. eat lots of salads and all kinds of vegetables. dont stick to one thing.

  10. Ok, it is good. You also can take some protein like milk, egg etc.

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