
I'm dyiiing to go italy...?

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Can anyone comapre and contrast Sicily to Florence for me? What's the dating scene like? How's the entertainment? What do I have in store for me being a black women in Italy. Thanks :)




  1. Italy is very beautiful...the north is beautiful but the sud is very very beautiful...

  2. Italian men don't care of your skin, they board every girl and every woman, so be prepared to defend yourself, the maximum danger for you is to fall in love!!! Arf, arf, arf!!! We are only hunting, don't care even age!

  3. quite the contrary.........Sicilians are so friendly and wonderful people while the Florencians and other northern city goers are just like new yorkers(not very friendly). Plus if you like warm climates and awsome food go to sicily.

  4. although ive never been to sicily they seem so nice & friendly plus its sooo beautiful!!!  and florence is great theres a lot of hitory and great food! and trust me anywhere you go in italy there are plenty of hot singles!! youll have fun!! i was in italy last summer and i enjoyed myself so much im going back next summer!!! its my fav place. and im also black!

  5. Buongiorno!!!!


    well i can't say much abput Sicily and Florence but I've been to Italy mainly Torino and Pisa. Its so amazing, the food, the night life and as well as the language!!!!

  6. I havent been to sicily but you can imagine what i will say about florence..

    its beautiful!!

  7. Italy is wonderful everywhere, don't worry Italian like black girl

  8. GO TO THE NORTH ...the south is harder for a black woman..only my opinion. You can email me if you want to know more about the subject. But my opinion Florence would be better for you if you looking for the dating for can never be disappointed in Italy. Its very beautiful and has a lot to offer. Sicilian food is great..still my opinion though!  Why  not try Milano as well!


  9. well Florence is a city in Tuscany (a region) and Sicilly is an island with several cities.

    Don't know about black.

  10. We eat black women for breakfast ... have you ever heard of the "black women massacre" in Sicily?  Shut up!   Come here and have fun!

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