
I'm getting a dog...?

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Okay, I'm one of those "First time dog owners". I know a lot about them but be are going to get a dog very soon.

I want to know what should I do when the dog first gets home and what should I do before I get the dog.

I will be adopting from a shelter.




  1. if  your getting a dog you will need to get dog  food and bowls and treats and  carpet cleaner and most impotently never   disobeyed  your dog i have two dog and one if them is mine so never disobey your doggy  and you will need to give to alot of room and   space


    thax 4 adopting

  3. It's great you are getting a shelter dog, i have found them to be about the best. What you need to do is have EVERYTHING ready a few days beforehand. Get your whole house prepared for the new dog. make sure there aren't many people around and don't do ANYTHING that you think won't scare the dog, ie. loud noises, yet. Let it look around your house and let it get used to it for almost a day. Your going to want to conceal wires. Make sure no long cords, plants, cleaners, candies, garbage cans, bling cords, or anything else you dont want chewed or broken.

    Then you can start to treat it like a normal dog after a few days. If you have any more questions you should talk to a shelter worker and veterinarian. You'll need to find a vet before you get your new dog. You need to devote enough time, love, and energy with a dog.

  4. okay. you know about food, food and water bowls, toys etc... when the dog comes home you should take it for a walk outside to make sure that it doesn't pee everywhere due to nerves. then i would just wing it. take it for 2 WALKS a day (this is really important to keep a dog healthy and balanced. it is much more than going potty to them) and let it out at least 2 more times a day. take your dog places with you too. and make sure you have a trash can with a lid on it to keep it from being so tempting. other than that i say take it as it comes and when you have a particular question ask us at yahoo!!

  5. Just make sure you have everything you will need already at the house.  The worst is to be scrambling around trying to get bowls, leash, bedding, food, etc etc when the dog really just needs your attention.

    Your dog is probably going to be nervous in a new place - at least super curious.  Give it time just to explore...don't attack it with attention (even though you'll want to) but make sure to keep an eye on him/her as it's a new place with new people...and much more space!

    Also, make sure everyone in the house is clear on what commands you'll be using, and what rules the dog is to follow.  Starting out clear and consistent is the best way to ensure successful and stress-free training.

    Most importantly, have fun.  You're getting a dog!!!


  6. Good for you! Dogs are such great additions to the home. I personally own one.

    First, shopping for the dog before he comes home is a good idea. Some items you may need are:

    1. Dog bed

    2. Quality dog food (you can ask the pet store clerk)

    3. Food & water bowls (i use stainless, they are easy to clean)

    4. Collar and leash

    5. Nametag (they have nametag machines in petco)

    6. Chew toys

    7. Treats

    8. Dog cage (If you are going to confine your dog when you go out)

    9. Peepee mats (they are great for two-story houses when you cant get your dog outside every time to relieve him)

    If I missed any, you can ask one of the employees at the pet store.

    Then you can set up all these items in your home. Arrange them as to make your dog comfortable (eg: dont put the food and water bowls next to a big chair as that tends to scare new dogs)

    When he gets home, if he is a puppy he probably will be scared. it depends on his personality (every dog is different). If he is scared, use quiet voices around him. Avoid loud noises (stereo, TV, kids in the next room), and let him sniff around. Show him where his bed and food bowls are, and you may want to give him a treat to get comfortable.

    So that is it. hope this was helpful :)

  7. Shelters are great about having educational materials there for you to research before bringing puppy home. You should first puppy proof your home so nothing gets damaged or your new little one doesn't eat anything that can harm him.

    Always research breeds to see what breed will fit best in your home.(A German Pointer may not be best for a busy person in an apartment)

    Prepare before hand for food and bowls and toys. When your first get your dog don't take it to the pet store or vet on the first day. This can stress them out too much. Also don't have alot of people over for the first few days. You want the new dog to get used to you and your home. Once a day or 2 has passed, then go to the veterinarian. I wouldn't do a pet store or park until you have a better understanding of the dog's personality and is FULLY vaccinated.

    If you have any questions, the shelter staff is always helpful and want you to have a wonderful life with your new friend.

  8. make sure you know what your doing you might want to get a dog you know most about then youll know more about them. it will make them easy to care for try asking your vet when you go for a check up or shots they help so much when i got my puppy
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