
I'm going to France....?

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The place is called Le Touquet. What's it like? And I'm going with the school ion May so if you could also tell me what you think the weather will be like? Thankyou. I appreciate it! x*x




  1. should tell you what you need to know.

    Weather-wise, your guess is as good as mine.  Hopefully sunny, may be warm, but take some watertproofs and jumpers as well.  It *will* be windy, or at least breezy.

  2. i would take a jacket if i was you

  3. I hope you like cigarette smoke.

  4. weather similar to the south of england (its only just across the channel)

    Relatively expensive, beautiful beach... wide and with fine sand.

    olde worlde feel to it, like an english victorian resort.

  5. In France they are all on strike this fall due to the fact that they are all so lazy and they don't wish to work.

    When they get bored, they set cars on fire and riot in the streets.

    On the other hand, the food is good.  In May it will be springtime, so the weather will be warm, but not hot.  Just like spring in the US!

  6. first sorry for my english! yes there is a joke in france we always say in the north of the country it's rainning,but it's not true ,we had the same joke about england!!

    i used to go very often,it's a great city ,and there is a lot to do (tourisme web site:

    and there is a big advantage ,Touquet is not faraway of Paris,or England  by TGV(french train very fast)!

    hope you enjoy your trip!

  7. I'm sure you will enjoy it. As someone else mentioned, just be sure to bring a jacket or sweatshirt or something. As for the France-bashers, I would suggest that nothing good has ever resulted, ever will result, or ever could result from blanket statements about entire nationalities based on nothing more than hatred and the politicization of history. (Ironically, the most vehement France-bashers are, by and large, the people who know the least about France and who've met few if any French people.)

  8. I think you will love Le Touquet. It lies in the Pas de Calais and is probably the most fashionable resort in Northern France. It has long been a favourite with wealthy Parisiens so you will have an opportunity to see how the other (very fashionable) half lives. It is a tremendous area for all sorts of sport, especially golf. It will be pretty expensive but the window shopping will be out of this world. Climate is the same as the English South Coast so it should be really pleasant in May (low '70's during the day).

  9. You're going to france? Unlucky!

  10. dont listen to the others ,, you will have a good time .. and weather will be same as ours nearly which is good in may

  11. well, it's prob gonna be mostly warm, but i would take some winter clothes too. it can get cold up there at times! trust me! i'm from europe and visti every year or so.

  12. Regarding the weather-you can check the forecast (which is generally reasonably accurate) on

    Go to Ville en Direct and then type in Le Touquet. After that you will get the weather at the time of logging in and you can choose "previsions" for 4 or 10 days. It'll give you a rough idea of the highs and lows and if rain is forecast.

  13. You will have a great time.  The weather should be spring-like, but do take a jacket for the evening.  Ignore the negative comments above.  Smoking is not such a big thing anymore in France because the government has been on a stop smoking campaign for many years.  So, just relax and enjoy yourself.

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